Tales of Tragedy Writing Contest

We enjoyed reading all of your contest entries so much that I wanted to take the time to tell you what we loved about each of your stories! Thanks for sharing your talents with us and the entire Stonewall community!
- @Rayne: Most creative entry: this entry was ranked the highest of all entries in the area of creativity! Reading this story felt as though we werre reading it as a visitor to the Iconian war museum on Earth, forty or fifty years after the events of "Midnight". It was like we were reading the postcard, which was being kept under glass, along with a placard next to the display that detailed the circumstances of the exhibit's history. It was very chilling and impactful, sending shivers down our spines! An awesome and truly original contest entry - the graphic was so authentic and amazing!
- @NicholasJohn16: We'd read and loved this story before, during the last contest and the second read-through was no different. Not only is this a tear-jerking tale of love lost, but it also made us feel as helpless as I imagine Nick to have felt in the story. Thanks for sharing this true, tragic tale!
- @Duriansol: An interesting story about the courageous death of one of your toons giving rise to the life of one of your alts! A truly original story that paralelled Spock's death and the transferrence of his Katra that ultimately, once again, gave rise to new-found life. Great story!
- @Thval: We never thought that a story about a non-humanoid race could be so impactful, but as the story came to a close and tragedy struck from all angles, we found ourselves very touched and moved by the tale. We couldn't imagine investing all of my memories and hopes for the future in finding that one person, only to have that hope so jarringly wrenched away. Coupling that soul crushing defeat with the discovery of plans of treachery at the hands of those closest to us, made for one of the most powerfully tragic tales, and we joined Pa'Squal in his blood cry for vengeance!
- @Niko: The death of M’Freya's parents once again tugged at our heartstrings as her tale of tragedy and loneliness became her source of strength and the catalyst to her joining Starfleet. We'd love to read more about M'Freya and how those events shaped the rest of her life in Starfleet and the adventures to follow!
- @TLara: We loved this terrificly original tale of both Sleg and Onara willing to sacrifice everything in the name of love. It was great fun to read about an uncharacteristically brave Ferengi who was willing to risk everything to his name. We always hoped there was room in the Ferengi heart for great bravery and your tale confirmed it! This was a perfectly Ferengi story in every way and it brought smiles to our faces in spite of the tragedy that followed!
Click the button below to see an index of your entries that we'll be sharing with the community, the final standings and some artwork that I did for each of your stories!