Arena of Sompek Stonewall Challenge!

The Arena of Sompek challenge (#AOSChallenge) is upon us once more, starting on August 17th in Star Trek Online. We're challenging all Stonewall warriors to team up throughout this first weekend of the event and to participate in this PvE queue mission. We want to see which teams can reach the highest level in this challenge and the members of the top THREE teams will earn prizes and bragging rights as detailed below. Rally your friends, ready your phasers and sharpen your bat'leths to achieve victory!

The purpose of this weekend is to have Stonewallers competing against one another for glory! To compete, simply participate in the 'Arena of Sompek' PvE queue throughout the weekend and at the end of the mission, grab a screenshot that clearly shows your party members and the final level that your team reached. You can do this by pressing the 'Prt Scrn' button on your keyboard and then pasting the image into MSPaint or your favorite graphic editor, or by typing /screenshot_ui_jpg on a blank line in your in-game chat window. Then post that screenshot in this thread with a list of your teammates to enter the competition! Complete contest rules are listed below:
- Your team must be composed of at least THREE Stonewall fleet or armada members to qualify (max of two PUG members)
- Screenshots must be submitted as a reply to this thread before Tuesday, August 22, 2017, to be eligible
- You can enter the contest multiple times throughout the weekend (ie. if you do a run with one team, you can also be part of a run with another team that enters, HOWEVER, you're only eligible to win ONE prize pack. For example, if you're part of a team that wins second place, and ALSO part of a team that comes in third, you will only win the highest prize that you're eligible for, not second and third place prizes combined).

While the purpose of this competition is to bring Stonewallers together in the spirit of friendly competition throughout the weekend, we are also giving away some prizes to the three teams to reach the HIGHEST level by the end of the event weekend:
First Place Team
- 5 Stonewall Credits for EACH member
- (Stonewall Credits are redeemable at the Stonewall Credit Store for in-game and out of game prizes)
- The winning team will also win bragging rights and we'll spread the word of your success both in-game, on the fleet website and on our social media streams!
Second Place Team
- 4 Stonewall Credits for EACH member
- (Stonewall Credits are redeemable at the Stonewall Credit Store for in-game and out of game prizes)
Third Place Team
- 3 Stonewall Credits for EACH member
- (Stonewall Credits are redeemable at the Stonewall Credit Store for in-game and out of game prizes)