SAT 18th NOV 2017
- 5PM GMT/UTC - 12PM ET - 9AM PT -
SAT 18th NOV 2017
- 5PM GMT/UTC - 12PM ET - 9AM PT -
All Hail The Stonewall Empire!!
For the 3rd year running, The Resources Department will put together an event that will allow our mirror counterparts will take over STO once again.
We will play in a style we are not used to, things will be very different, we will try things we are not accustomed to.
We will wreak havoc upon this universe and show that the Stonewall empire is strong and mighty!!!
(Please be advised that the places in some events requite you to be a FED or FED aligned toon and it is recommended that you play as FED for just this event to avoid complications.)
We will play in a style we are not used to, things will be very different, we will try things we are not accustomed to.
We will wreak havoc upon this universe and show that the Stonewall empire is strong and mighty!!!
(Please be advised that the places in some events requite you to be a FED or FED aligned toon and it is recommended that you play as FED for just this event to avoid complications.)

Reflection day 3 event is all about doing something different for the day, Change up your ship, your weapons, your style.
To take part in the event you will need to choose a Mirror ship, or an easy obtainable fraction ship that you'd never think of using, like the APU cruiser, Nihydron destroyer.. or the Malon battle cruiser... maybe even the Risian ships! the choice is yours so long as its different from a ship you normally fly. Maybe, if your hard enough.. build up a T4 or T5
If your a Sci Captain.. be a Tactical for the day! and visa versa
Switch up your weapons.. do you normaly use Antiproton Phasers?? why not use all Plasma Turrets instead?
Polaron Cannons? .. maybe switch to an all Torp boat?
If your New to the game you may not have enough EC in your pockets to buy a mirror ship.. or similar.. if you are struggling to obtain a ship contact me, and I can send you a random ship.
(Note quantity is limited)
Even Change up your toon.. take a visit to the Tailor and change your toons appearance to what you think your mirror self would look like.

As well as Playing for the day on STO as your mirror self.. why not go all the way and create a back story of your Mirror self.
Like the previous 2 Reflection Day events, we are again running a "Mirror Bio" competition.. - CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT -
In which you can let your imagination go crazy and think uo your Mirror toons story.. where is he from.. how did she get command of the ship she flys, .. or perhaps write a mini story of a paticular life event in your mirror characters career/life.
The "Reflection Day 3 Mirror Bio" will open in these forums under the "Events" section on Sunday 12th Nov.
and will close at the end of day Sat 18th during the Refection Day event.
The Resources Department will then read through them all.. and One will be picked Best Read.. and there will be a second and third placing too.
If you want to get inspired,.. why not look over Reflection days 1 & 2's Biography Entry's
But wait... As Well as the Written competition.. we are introducing another forum based competition that will open the same time (Sun 12th Nov)
SHIP PICS! -Click here to enter -
Where you can upload a screen grab of your Mirror Ship you've selected and built up!
Fly to a place where it has a beautiful backdrop.. and Snap your ships image ("prt sc" button)
Instructions on how to upload will be on the post when it goes live.
#shippics #mirrorbio

All day during the RD3 event, we will be taking our specially built ships into battle in PvPs.
We aim to Rip terror into bigger mapped PvEs (10+ player) PvEs that we rarely get a chance to dive into.
This will include some PvEs that have been gathering dust... also some PvEs that some of us (including myself) shy away from.. This event will be the day to just.. go into it with our Empire mates.. and have fun doing PvEs we never really do as we tend to ignore them as we dont know exactly how to play them.
We will also be doing some ground missions... after all.. we do have a Mirror Toon Fashion show event.. so we have to change our toons appearance for the day!
Remember.. as always.. today is about FUN, trying new build, new ships your not used too.. and being with Friends.
You may even grow to like a PvE you have been ignoring, and now after today.. you'll know how to play it!

Opening Events Conquest Launch
meet up on main stonewall Fleets Dranuur Colony
Also feel free to boot up Discord and join in the chatter and listen to the Mirror Radio Toonage!
where we will all get together and plan our Days events!
We will then move onto trying ourt our ship builds and launching a few PvE queues
Mirror Toons Costume Contest
Meeting up on Main Stonewalls K-13s fleet station
This is the time to Show the Resource Department what you've imagined your Mirror Toon to look like.
We want to see a before (your normal toons appearance)
and an after (your mirror toon)
Fist Fight To the Death
PvP! couldnt be more simple, violent and fun! we band together in 2 teams.. using NO weapons, NO mods, NO Fabricators, NO mines..
Just simple Fisty cuffs, Smashing and punneling each other into the ground until one team is left standing.
No Weapons/mods/Kits .. just Fists!
After the Fist Fight.. we will head out for more PvE Queues!
Discord Video Quiz
Meet up on SGNs discord channel how to join discord is here
(it is advised to completely exit STO during this Discord quiz so you can get a smooth video view
without any buffering)
Quadrant Relay Race
Meet up at Main Stonewalls fleet Mining station
I will then give you the details of what this event is .. its fun, and requires some travel
10:30pm GMT/UTC - 5:30pm ET - 2:30pm PT
PSI Game
Based in STO chat, Resource Departments @Tlara will host an interactive quiz..
based on Nelix's game "Species, Starship,Anomaly" (Animal vegetable mineral)
where 1st "nd and 3rd places will get a SWC prize!
After the PSI game.. we will head out for more PvE Queues!
11:30pm GMT/UTC - 6:30pm ET - 3:30pm PT
Closing Days Dance Party
Beam Down to Main Fleets Embassy and head up to Ops!
where we will close the day with a good old fashioned dance party.
Mirror Bio & Ship Pics
Taking place on our forum this week we have x2 competitions
that are easy to enter
- Mirror Bios (written competition) -
- Ship Pics (screen shot competition) -
Remember, In addition to the Reflection day Events live in game on STO, we are also doing the week long
Mirror Biography Written Contest
Ship Pics Contest
on this Forum.
Keep an eye on This site on Sun 12th for the launch and to submit your Artistic flair!
#reflectionday3 #RD3
Mirror Biography Written Contest
Ship Pics Contest
on this Forum.
Keep an eye on This site on Sun 12th for the launch and to submit your Artistic flair!
#reflectionday3 #RD3