Muninn: Hopes Gamble
Humanity with the aid of the Vulcans had thrown off the shackles of the Alliance. We secured a new future that was not slavery and hunted throughout the stars for sport. Brave captains with an eye for a better future strove to bring humanity back to the forefront of galactic powers. The Commonwealth was to be the fulfilment of Spocks great plan, the one that everything was gambled upon and from that Commonwealth; men of sight and power rose up. They extinguished the dream of galactic peace to once more raise the blade of the Terran Empire.
I grew up among the slaves, lithe and fair. My family saw no value in a son that was so gentle looking and so easily mistaken for a girl, to carry favour or to just barter their way out of the miserable rock that was our home. My family had me altered, adjusted to be more forming to how my body was and my nature. Sold me for favours with our captors and in time they got their wish, they where free to leave the slave colony. I think their blood was the first on my hands, I was created to be their tool, in the ended I was forged into a weapon instead.
I remember watching the shuttle rise into the air, and the cold hand of a Cardassian officer resting on my shoulder. I was shoulder hight to him and already a young woman. The device was placed in my hand and his voice whispered in my ear. “They are at your mercy, freedom awaits them if you only press that little button my dear.” My finger moved before I ever had a thought about it. Amber and crimson light flared in the sky before the wreckage crashed into a hillside drawing cries and gasp from those near by. The Cardassian let me keep the detonator, a memento or maybe a collar to remind myself that I was no better than my slavers now.
Only a few year passed before I was wearing smooth clothes that draped my crafted form in a manner that would have given a few Orions a run for their money. I was used to the my officers attentions, used to being dead in the eyes and something he used as decoration. His prized Terran beauty, my prize was his eyes when I pulled the blade from his gut before slashing through his throat. His body crumpled before me, that cold Cardassian blood staining the fine silks he kept me wrapped in. Phaser fire rained down on their fixed emplacements, slaves ran for cover. Even the Vulcans showed fear, I showed rage taking up arms calling for others to rally. The Cardassians fell before disruptor bolts and blade. Some brave ones tried to fight back, but their pets and prey now held the weapons. It was the Klingons of the slave colony that gave a real fight for us but in the end it was numbers. The other slaves would start to fall back only to be pushed forward again by their jeers and a thin Woman stained in blood charging into the middle of the fight.
When the Empires ground forces started to land there was little fighting left to be done in our colony. What met them where the gurgling screams of our keepers and the erratic pulse of weapon fire. The first Terran captain I would meet beamed down before me as I sat bloodied and cold upon what was once the flag of the Alliance. His eyes were as dead as mine, his voice crisp though holding some kind of accent that left his R's rolling. “Take the strong and any who looked like they actually fought, this one give her a proper uniform befitting a Terran. Girl you are now an Ensign under my command refuse and you might as well just shoot yourself now.” I shrugged before being tagged for transport. It was the last time I saw that rock, later I learned that those what where not deemed good enough to become solders for the Empire where just left to fend for themselves with what ever was left down there after the fighting.
Over the next few years I learned how to be a Terran officer, learned that a cold heart was my shield. And that my body was much a tool to be used as ever, though now one that I controlled for my own gain. It was slowly though that I did begin to change, learning the History official and otherwise of the Empire of how the Commonwealth rose at first defeating the Alliance only to be snuffed out from within. Of the mirror universe where Terrans worked to live in peace and blood shed and treachery where not the currency of personal growth. It appealed to me, I started to spend my free time finding others among the crews of ships I served upon that wanted something different then the constant warfare and conquest. It would be years and many dark adventures before a chance would be presented to me.
Through one means or another I climbed the ranks, there where bodies left behind me sometimes those that wanted to keep me under heel other times; other times it was the bodies of those that were to be conquered by the empire. I remember the last Captain I served under, a far more jaded man than even the Cardassian that kept me as his pet. His death had a great cost with it, planned carefully with each detail down to a little kidnapping. The son of our armada's admiral had been a pawn in this, he was a passenger and under the care of this man. To be trained and raised up to the highest standards of the Empire. Our captain failed to keep him safe, failed more to believe the people the Cardassians who held him captive. His ego was such that he personally fired the torpedoes that levelled their base. When our admirals forces arrived to claim the base and his “Victory” they found the body of his son, soon our captain found himself floating in space.
I was promoted to Captain of the I.S.S. Iron Maiden, it had cost me my eye to set everything up. Some dignity to let a Cardassian cut my face as I let him take that rotten brat of the admirals. It cost my ship a third of her crew, that I had to carefully place into harms way. And the life of our captain and an entire base of Cardassians. I now had my command, I had a crew cultivated for my plan to escape this wretched Universe, and that chance came.
We warped into the badlands with a scouting force, those in command had allied themselves with a group called the True Way. I was disgusted to meet them, no better than those I had known of their kind. Though I guess even in a mirror some things are the same. They came with a single ship to guide us and help form a beach head to invade the Federation from. We moved to be the first ship threw, our hull shadowing over those in our group. Emerging on the other side I ordered our aft weapons to fire disrupting the rift sealing our guide and scouts behind us. Freedom was close, looking forward I ordered a course set for Earth and to hail the Federation.
It took me ten years of careful planning, murder, sabotage, warfare and luck. So much luck but it came to fruition, for the first time I started to feel something other than the cold span of hate and misery. The faces of those I found some trust within seemed to brighten as well, it was a gamble, we all choose to take and this time we won. A better life, or at least for the first time for any of us the Hope of a better life than what awaited those in the Empire.
You see Admiral there is my story, we fled and betrayed, we used everything the Empire taught us to be to escape them. I will give you everything I have on the Terran Empire, my ship and myself. I simply want a better life for my crew. A purpose for myself and those that feel the same as me. I am tired of bloodshed and watching my back all the time. So everything I have I am offering to the Federation for a very fare price. A position as an officer for myself and any of my crew that would like to serve in Star Fleet and for the rest of my crew peace just a peaceful life. I think that is a fare deal.