Stonewall's 9th Annual Pride Weekend!

Founded in 2008, Stonewall Fleet is one of Star Trek Online's oldest and largest fleets, and we're proudly the premier gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit and ally fleet within the game! Ever since the first year following the fleet's inception, Stonewall has hosted an annual pride celebration, opening it's doors to the entire Star Trek Online community and inviting everyone to come out to celebrate with us.
In keeping with that tradition, we here at Stonewall are excited to host our NINTH annual pride weekend on July 14th & 15th, 2018! This time of year is a time of great celebration for the GLBTQ2+ community. Millions worldwide celebrate in remembrance of the Stonewall Riots, which were a major changing point in the gay & lesbian rights movement that not only affected the GLBT community, but the entire world.

For this occasion, Stonewall Fleet will be hosting events in both Star Trek Online and on the SGN Discord server throughout the July 14th & 15th weekend, and as always, the events will be open to the entire Star Trek Online community! We hope that you'll join us and your Stonewall fleet members and friends in the celebration! Among some of the many events and games that we're running during the Pride weekend are:
- Pride Parade
- Pride Prom
- Video Quiz Event
- Trek Trivia Interactive Audio Event
- Klingon Boasting competition
- Grand Melee Tournament
- The A-maze-ing Risa Race
- And so much more!

For our entire weekend event schedule and a description of all of our Pride events, check out our official Pride page by clicking right here! We're so excited for our big event and hope to see you and your friends from both outside and within Stonewall at #StonewallPride18! Spread the word!