Zombie Walk (Part of Fright Fest Month)
Join us with this weeks #FrightFest18 Challenge

starting on Sunday 21st to Friday 26th October leading up to the main Fright Fest event on Saturday 27th (see here for details about the days event)
Are you able to help your camp survive?
Three years ago a virus outbreak caused a catastrophic apocalypse and the whole world has been infected by the living dead, Zombies!
Only a hand full of the non infected survived, You are a resident of a small camp on the island of Stonewallvania, full of hungry and sick survivors… Food is running at an all time low.. There isn't enough ammo to fend off the Zombie herds from attacking your base.. Batteries and any form of energy is nearly depleted.. And most critical of them all.. There are NO disco balls for any parties!
Can you take up the challenge of venturing out of camp to get these much needed items?
Will you be able to pick up all the items, avoiding traps along the way, and making it back to your home base?
Much like the summer event “The walk to mordor” challenge (here) we have put a #FrightFest18 twist on things.
To play along during this event.. All you need is:
- To pick your Avatar/Character who will represent you (see below)
- a Step monitoring app
- or fitbit/apple watch type device.
- Access to discord to send a PM with your daily steps to @GXV3 (see how to join SGN discord)

(This map will be updated each day with your progress)
Your Goals:
You must try and hit each landmark to collect items for your camp.
If you do 10k (or over) on the 1st day you will collect ammo… do another 10k (or over) the next day and you will have hit the 2nd landmark and collected Batteries… you may have already hit 30k on the second day and you've progressed!
- Do 10k steps at anytime and you collect Ammo for your camp = 1 SWC
- Do 20k steps at anytime and you collect Energy for your camp = 1 SWC
- Do 30k steps at anytime and you collect Medication for your camp = 1 SWC
- Do 40k steps at anytime and you collect Disco Balls for your camp = 1 SWC
- Do 55k steps at anytime and you collect Food & Water for your camp = 1 SWC
- Do 70k steps or over at anytime and you have made it back to camp with all your items plus get = 3 SWC
Along the way you may encounter traps that will hurt your total step count at the end of the week by taking away 1000 steps with each trap you land on.

If at anytime your total steps given so far hits in between 6000 - 7000 steps, you have fallen into a trap, Admiral @Lars-LordZandor has lured you in to his spooky Art gallery, and has forced you to look at all of his old screen grabs of him playing STO and Skyrim, he has tens of thousands of screen grabs so be prepared, your eyes have been injured 1000 steps will be deducted from your over all total at the end of the Zombie Walk event if you land in this trap.

If at anytime your total steps given so far hits between 14,000 - 15,000 you have fallen into the Zombie herd trap.. As you were walking to your next pick up, you were attacked by a herd of zombies, @Voleron must have left his Man Ranch gates open, and all his playmates have escaped, you are injured! 1000 steps will be deducted from your over all total at the end of the Zombie Walk event if you land in this trap.

If at anytime your total steps given so far hits between 35,000 - 37,000 you have fallen into a trap, @Nicholasjohn16 has lured you into his rotting old house and has taken you down to his dungeon, where he dresses you up in his PVC outfits and asks you to spank him for several hours while he repeats “It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again“. Your hand gets injured, 1000 steps will be deducted from your over all total at the end of the Zombie Walk event if you land in this trap

If at anytime your total steps given so far hits between 49,000 - 52,000 you have fallen into this trap,
Nearly the final leg of your journey you are pounced upon by a vicious blood hound, its owner @Tlara obviously did not feed it this morning (again) and you have injured your leg 1000 steps will be deducted from your over all total at the end of the Zombie Walk event if you land in this trap
Event Brief :
Simply Download a Pedometer app for your mobile phone.
The Best and Trusted Free ones to get are:
Google Fit
Apple Health
Fitbit or Apple watch (or any other health band)
Or if you already have a health band that tracks your steps with an app,, use that one.
- Pick a Character below and inform me of which character you have chosen by replying to this thread.
- Open up your Step monitoring app or health watch and be prepared to go walkies
- Starting Sunday (21st) at the end of your day, before you settle down to sleep take a screenshot of your Steps readout for that day,
- Send the screenshot /picture to me.. in a private message on here.. or On our SGN discord.
The More Steps you do, the more I can Move you on the map above each day.
When you hit a Landmark that’s Listed on the map, you earn 1 SWC.
Example.. if you do 10,000 steps , you have travelled from Base camp, to the next land mark of the old abandoned Gun shop.. (you automatically pick up Ammo for your camp and win 1 SWC
Do 10,000 or more steps the next day.. and you would have reached the next destination (Energy/Battery pick up).. Another1 SWC!
The Goal is to hit each landmark and pick up as many items as you can.. and then back safely Home to Basecamp by the end of the challenge (Saturday 27th)
The Challenge is to walk 70,000 steps from Sunday to Friday.
The average people do in a day is 10k + steps.. so it is doable.
Each daily step count you give me will add up each day.. There is no daily Step allotment, Say on the first day you did 12k steps.. ill place you on the map a little past the ammo storel.. and then wait for your next day steps to be sent to me
Quick Rules:
- No Cheating, dont photoshop your steps
- Try and get your steps for that day into me in a message, if not send 2 screen grabs the next day
- There is no daily Step allotment, Say on the first day you did 12k steps.. ill place you on the map a little past the ammo store.. and then wait for your next day steps to be sent to me.
So long as you've at least touched base on the quest steps, your all good!
-Your total steps will be revealed Sat 27th during Fright Fest 18 and posted here on sunday 28th
The last day of accepting your step totals is end of day Friday 26th
Pick your Character:
Below are some characters for you to pick from, once a character has been chosen by another member you will not be able to select them.
Simply let me know which character you would like by replying to this thread and i will register your character under your handle.

Good Luck and do the best you can, its not a race, but a challenge!
(Event goes live SUNDAY 21st get your step apps ready)