Start voting now! Movie night after Romulan Farmer Festival
As announced in this forum post, after the end of the Romulan Farmer Festival we will have a movie night. We will together watch a movie, or a set of episodes that are Romulan themed. Join us on Discord in a special Movie Night event channel, specifically decorated for this occasion where we can make sure that we synchronise the start of the Movie Night.
Unfortunately not every streaming service is available in every country, and we all know that piracy is illegal, but depending on which movie/episodes we will watch, I'll provide a link to the film we chose on one or a few legal/paid website(s) like Netflix, CBS, Amazon, or wherever the film can be found.
We will decide ourselves which of the following Romulan-themed flix we will be seeing. The procedure is quite simple really, just reply to this post with your three favourites in this list (in no particulat order), the one that gets the most votes will be picked for movie night! Voting is open now and will close on Friday 27 September 14:00 UTC.
Option A - ENT: Babel One & United & the Aenar 
Option B - TOS: Balance of Terror & the Enterprise Incident 
Option C - TNG: Reunification parts I & II 
Option D - DS9: Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges & In the Pale Moonlight 
Option E - VOY: Eye of the Needle & Message in a Bottle 
Option F - Star Trek: Nemesis 
Option G - Star Trek (2009 movie) 
Stonewall... Start voting now!
Unfortunately not every streaming service is available in every country, and we all know that piracy is illegal, but depending on which movie/episodes we will watch, I'll provide a link to the film we chose on one or a few legal/paid website(s) like Netflix, CBS, Amazon, or wherever the film can be found.
We will decide ourselves which of the following Romulan-themed flix we will be seeing. The procedure is quite simple really, just reply to this post with your three favourites in this list (in no particulat order), the one that gets the most votes will be picked for movie night! Voting is open now and will close on Friday 27 September 14:00 UTC.

Stonewall... Start voting now!