Walk of Thrones: Step Count Challenge

Starting Saturday 25th until your midnight Sunday 31st, This years Stonewall step challenge is back!
Before you stop reading, you can do this, despite crazy times, you are bound to do more than 10k steps in a week and earn yourself some SWC's, walking your dog, going for a stroll, walking to the kitchen, walking up and down stairs. you can do this, come and join in no matter how many steps you think you will do!
As before we have had a few themes,
our lord of the rings inspired "Walk to Morder"
Then our Halloween inspired "Zombie walk"
This year we have gone with a Game of thrones theme.. because its still cool!
For this challenge you will need: a Phone with either google fit or Apple health installed OR a fitbit, Apple watch.
The basics of this challenge are simple.
You go about your daily business, at the end of each day (Sat 25th to Fri 31st) you must send me a phone screengrab of your steps, revealed to you in your fitbit/apple health/google fit apps.
I will then move you on the map to the position of how many steps you have taken.
All your daily steps will add up toward your weeks progress.
Saturday you did 7,000 steps,
Sunday you did a further 10,000 steps for the day.. your total steps so far would be 17,000.
I will keep adding them and tracking them.
The More Steps you do, the more I can Move you on the map above each day.
When you hit a Landmark that’s Listed on the map (below), you earn SWC.
Example.. if you do 10,000 steps , you have travelled from Base camp, to the next land mark of the last hearth.. you win 1 SWC
Do 10,000 or more steps the next day.. and you would have reached the next destination (Deepwood).. Another1 SWC!
You dont have to precisely hit the goal steps, so long as you have gone past the goals requested steps, youve made it.
Once you've hit the last goal, the challenge is complete!
The Goal is to hit each landmark and pick up as many SWCs as you can.. and then if you go all the way, and hit the final goal (70k + steps by the end of the week, you've completed it!
The Challenge is to walk 70,000 steps from Saturday to Friday.
The average people do in a day is 8-10k + steps.. so it is doable.
Each daily step count you give me will add up each day.. There is no daily Step allotment, Say on the first day you did 12k steps.. ill place you on the map a little past the last hearth.. and then wait for your next day steps to be sent to me.
The person who has done the MOST TOTAL STEPS at the end of the week, wins not only SWCs, but they get to claim the throne, and rule over Westeros!
In brief:
- Do what you do all day
- Send me a screen grab from your Step app before you go to bed. (apple health, fitbit app, google fit ONLY)
- Ill record each days steps and total it up.
For fun, lets create your houses/clans.
each day I will move your created banner on the map, to represent where how far you have travelled.
To take part in this whole challenge, pick your options from below, and reply to this thread, I will then create your own house banner to represent you on the map.
Choose the options below, and I'll start creating before the Challenge begins on Saturday (25th July 2020)

So, all you have to do is reply on this thread with your options..
"Step 1: option 1
Step 2: option 4
Step 3: option 5
step 4: option 2
Step 5: Observe and destroy"
your sites username will automatically be your house name.
all the options picked in the example above made this banner for my house..

So to take part, let me know your options before Saturday 25th, and I will make your banner up, to be your icon on the daily map update, and I will place you in the Participating houses plaque below.
Below is the main focus when you start the challenge, it will be updated daily when the challenge begins on Saturday, where you will be able to see your location and how far you have walked.
I will also post daily updates as we have done in previous step challenges.
BUT WAIT!! Westeros is a dangerous place, there are traps ahead which if you land on, they may cost you.. so be careful!
Fall between 4,000-5,000 total steps: - Suffer a dragon attack - loose 1 SWC
Fall between 11,000-13,000 total steps: - Spend a night in Ramsey Boltons dungeon-loose 1 swc
Fall between 19,000 - 21,000 total Steps: - You get lost in Cersei’s vineyard - loose 1 swc
fall between 49,000-53,000 total steps: - White walkers attack - loose 1 SWC
so when I tally up your totals at the end of each day, if you should fall into any of the above total steps, you have sadly landed in a trap, see.. its a challenging challenge!

Very briefly lets go over this again:
- Choose your options and I'll create your banner
- Get your fitbit/apple/google fit apps ready (no others will be allowed as they are not precise)
- At the end of each day (starting Sat 25th) Send me screengrabs from your app of your total steps for that day via Discord PM or on this site.
- I will move your banner on the map each day to show you and other players where you are
- The final day of giving me your screen grabs will be when you go to bed Friday night (31st July)
- keep an eye on this thread daily, to see yours and others progress, and see who will take the throne!
- No Cheating, dont photoshop your steps
- Only Fitbit app, Google Fit, Apple health apps are allowed. Reason: these are free, and are already installed in your android/apple phones. Other cheaper apps are very sensitive and will record you scratching your head as a step, so we will all be on level ground if we just use the mentioned apps.
- Try and get your steps for that day into me in a discord/site message, if not send 2 screen grabs the next day
- The last day of accepting your step totals is end of day Friday 31st July
