Thank you to all the entrants to
Pride Lands, you've opened your hearts and souls into sharing what and/or who makes you proud!
It has truly been inspiring reading all of these submissions and it is therefore with great pleasure that we announce that
all of you have been awarded
3 stonewall credits each! Please give some time for your accounts to be updated in due course.
If you didn't enter, even if you may feel that you have nothing to be proud of, or a little shy, we hope that this event has and will continue to inspire you as well as others to stand proud in future. We'll be posting all of these entries in future editions of the
Stonewall Times to keep on inspiring members old and new.
Thank you for making my first event so memorable for me personally and for contributing to our Stonewall family chorus!
Don't forget to buy
raffle tickets from any of the Resources Dept members - catch us in game or message us on Discord or here!