Hey Stonewall. The number of logged in members hasn't been an issue with Stonewall lately, but representation is still not where I would like to see it. Stonewall Vanguard is a 90/10 guild which means, you're allowed to use personal guild banks and do activities with other guilds, but we do ask you to rep Stonewall Vanguard the other 90% of the time. Community in Stonewall Vanguard is very important and it's my goal to give everyone the ability to do any task in Guild Wars 2 with other Stonewall Vanguard members. This gives us a chance to strengthen our friendships and work on our synergistic play styles with other SWVG members.
Having a roster with 1/3 or 1/2 members non-repping is very discouraging to members and we want to provide everyone with the best GW2 experience possible.
Guild events are being hosted daily by leadership or other members, but many members are either ignoring these events or don't notice them because they are not repping. If you do not like the activities that Stonewall is hosting, please feel free to suggest new ideas. We have a daily schedule that acts as a guideline, but if there's enough interest to do something else, we can always switch it up.
Ok, so what was the point in me starting this topic? Well... I want to be completely transparent with our members as one of the leaders of SWVG. It is my goal to have a guild of a close community and friends. A one stop resource for any activity in GW2. I am very proud of the Stonewall name and many others, even non-stonewall players, have commented on how positive and friendly the SWVG community is and I'm very appreciative of our active member-base for being so welcoming to everyone. We have lost a good chunk of our core members due to the play-when-you-want nature of GW2, loss of interest, etc. but I am doing whatever I can to rebuild our numbers. I can't do this alone and I'm asking our community continue to support SWVG by doing whatever you can to keep up the good name we've created, whether it be welcoming new members, participating in events or by simply representing.
I would like to discuss things further over TeamSpeak. I will be on tonight from 6pm EST until 11pm EST (maybe later). Lets plan to go over representation and some ideas I have around 8pm EST. I would appreciate any input or suggestions during that time and want to make sure they understand any changes that may occur in the future of SWVG. (Topics may include(but not limited to): Representation, membership growth, open guild officer positions, guildhall upgrades/uses, guild sponsored events)
Thank you all so much! I truly love Stonewall Vanguard and will continue to put all my efforts into seeing this guild to greatness!