Playstation-style controller shows XBox buttons ingame

Lars Zandor


Playstation-style controller shows XBox buttons ingame

December 11 2014
I have searched the internet for this, but I have been unable to find a fix for this minor issue.

I got myself a controller for the pc. I present you the GXT 530 dual stick gamepad:

The controller itself is working perfect (tested it out in Fallout - New Vegas and Dragon Age - Inquisition). But whenever I am ingame, it shows XBox-buttons whilst it has a Playstation-style layout.
Although it is not a huge issue, it is a slight annoyance and do get confused once in a while (for example when the game says I have to press X and it turns out I have to press the square).
Does anyone know how to get the games to recognize the buttons as Playstation instead of XBox? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Playstation-style controller shows XBox buttons ingame

December 11 2014
They probably won't. I think most PC games are biased towards XBox cause they're all DirectX and such. :/
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Playstation-style controller shows XBox buttons ingame

January 31 2015
it does have the 360 style of joysticks see the dots? just seems like a it was ripped from Xbox :P