Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

Zander Hawk


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
Hello all,

Check out the Office of Membership Management for some useful resource information, and take the leadership quiz (all the way at the bottom of the page) to discover your leadership style!  

Feel free to share your leadership style on this post!

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Edited September 02 2016 by Zander_Hawk
Zander Hawk


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
I scored 23 points on the MindTools leadership quiz.

Score Interpretation:

12-20 Points
You most commonly adopt an authoritarian or autocratic leadership style. You rarely consult your team members and, instead, tend to tell them what you want, when you want it, and how you want it done.

This style works well in a crisis, when a task must be completed quickly. However, you'll likely demoralize, demotivate and aggravate people if you use it all the time. This can translate into high absenteeism and turnover rates. You'll also miss out on a wealth of ideas, thereby stifling innovation and creativity. Read more below.

21-27 Points
You lean toward a democratic or participative style of leadership. You tend to set the parameters for the work and have the final say on decisions, but you actively involve your team members in the process.

This style can build trust between you and your people, as they'll likely feel engaged and valued. But it's not great in a high-pressure situation that requires a fast turnaround, as it will slow you down. And, if you dislike disagreement or conflict, you might struggle with how people respond to consultation. Read more below.

28-36 Points
Your default leadership style is probably delegating or "laissez faire." You give your team members free rein in how they work toward their goals.

This is an ideal approach when your people are highly skilled and motivated, and when you're working with contractors and freelancers who you trust. But if a team member is inexperienced or untrustworthy, or if you lose sight of what's going on, this approach can backfire catastrophically. Read more below.
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Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
I also got 23 points! Yay team :)
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Lars Zandor


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
I too got 23 points, lol.

Team #23P Unite! :woohoo: :P
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Dave (Voleron)


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
I scored 26 and while the democratic style has always worked well for me and reflects my personality, people can begin to unintentionally take advantage of the non-authoritarian style from time to time. Since I like to lead from the front, they know I'll pick up their slack when they start to let things slide, so I've come to find that a delicate balancing act between democratic and a small degree of authoritarian is occasionally needed to ensure that people get their assigned tasks completed on their own.

Thanks for the share! This was a fun quiz.
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Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
I scored a 27. So I'm right on the cusp of the middle one and the third one.


At the Vegas convention, I mentioned to a few people about my love for the Myers Briggs personality test and would be curious how people in the fleet would rank with that and if there would be a correlation here with this test and its scoring. Maybe next month's exercise could be to do an online version of that. None of these free tests are official but this would be just for fun anyway. I've just always liked how it helps to explain how people act, which helps me know better ways to interact with those personality types.

Here's a free one...I scored the same as I always do but won't share unless we do a separate thread for it next month.
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Zander Hawk


Re:Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
Yes! Let's do that test next month. It's always fun and helpful to get some insight into your own personality or leadership style. Thank you so much for that mister!
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Edited August 14 2016 by Zander_Hawk
Edward Lloris


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
25 shockingly
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Zander Hawk


Re:Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 14 2016
Lol, that's because you're awesome.
Ted Hembach


Re:Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 15 2016
Score of me (Tom) is 28, the score of my love (Kjel) is 27. And the description to the scores very nicely described why our social projects are always a success and why they always fail in the end (lol). Nice Test!
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Zander Hawk


Re:Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 15 2016
Quote by TLara
Score of me (Tom) is 28, the score of my love (Kjel) is 27. And the description to the scores very nicely described why our social projects are always a success and why they always fail in the end (lol). Nice Test!

Awww, Well, this test is great for some fine-tuning, It's nice that you both can come together and share different leadership styles. It's always handy to have a variety of styles for certain projects :D
Edited August 15 2016 by Zander_Hawk


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 15 2016
23 for me
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Zander Hawk


Re:Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 15 2016
Quote by Gravity
23 for me

Would you say that's pretty accurate?


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 15 2016
It is tough to say, from what i know about myself i share traits of both Authoritarian and Participative which i think is somewhat reflected in the score. Leaning more to participative.

One way to test it i guess i can be your boss for a week if you like :D
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Zander Hawk


Re:Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 15 2016
Quote by Gravity
It is tough to say, from what i know about myself i share traits of both Authoritarian and Participative which i think is somewhat reflected in the score. Leaning more to participative.

One way to test it i guess i can be your boss for a week if you like :D

Indeed, and I think that is great to have both and a blend of those two leadership styles. Regarding the boss idea -yes! Let's do it! How do it like your coffee sir LOL


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 15 2016
26 here, which makes sense. I prefer to be highly collaborative and get input on my tasks, and tend to trust others to get their stuff done. Putting the foot down is hard :).
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Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 15 2016
I like my coffee like i like my women, not at all :P
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Zander Hawk


Re:Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 15 2016
Quote by Gravity
I like my coffee like i like my women, not at all :P

You're going to get us both fired LOL


Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 15 2016
Hey if i am going down i will collaboratively take you down with me :D
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Zander Hawk


Re:Visit the Office of Membership Management Today

August 15 2016
Quote by zephros
26 here, which makes sense. I prefer to be highly collaborative and get input on my tasks, and tend to trust others to get their stuff done. Putting the foot down is hard :).

I enjoy being collaborative as well, primarily because I like involving people so that they have a degree of personal investment in whatever project. I tend to hope that others get their stuff done but I also tend to have a plan B just in case ;)