
Reflection Day 6

Reflection Day 6's Topics

Gareth GXV3


November 14 2020

Reflective Quotes Challenge

For this weeks game your challenge is to identify what Star trek character spoke these words.

There are 10 quotes below... however.. this is a mirror universe theme.. so things are a little reversed. So in order to help you read these quotes, you will need a mirror!

Grab a mirror and hold it to the screen so you can read the quotes properly, or load it up on your phone and take it to a wall mirror.

Submit your answers:

DM me on discord (GXV3) .. OR.. DM me on here (click my icon, go to my profile, type in your answers in the comment box and Click the "send private" box near the bottom of the text window).

For each person who gets at least 8 correct answers wins 2 SWC

Results will be posted Fri 20th Nov

Good Luck!

See larger version here:

thankyou @thatindividual for the game idea

  • Last Comment by TLara
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Guesses submitted!

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Well done all and thank you for submitting your guesses.
Below is a list of how you scored...

and the Answers are here...

you ALL will get SWCs that you can spend in the Stonewall Store

You can find your Stonewall Credits amount on your profile, click your avatar, and select "Wallet" everything you need will be in there.
Well done
@tomatoflames @voleron @calx @Tlara @NeoGabi @viethai @gravity @jmccomb1979 @gladiatorpope chipz

Remember to join us SAT 28th Nov, for #RD6

4 people liked this
This was a fun challenge!!

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!nuf yreV

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