

Re:Updating our Core Documentation

April 01 2016
You know my opinions and I stand by them
Unknown Person liked this

Unknown Person

A complete list of all current patrols

April 01 2016
OK I was bored (plus I needed a patrol list for Delta mark farming), so I went ahead and downloaded and modified Lars' spreadsheet in Excel:

  • Added a column with map grid coordinates per the image above
  • Added the image above to each quadrant tab of the spreadsheet for grid reference
  • Color-coded the quadrant tabs (bottom of the Excel window) per map icons for better visibility
  • Sorted each tab by Patrol Y/N then by Grid Coordinates

I'm not sure if the sort will survive being uploaded or if that's just on my local copy, so if it doesn't, here's how to sort it in Excel 2010 (other versions similar) to list the patrol systems at the top in map grid order:

  1. On the Excel ribbon Home tab, click the Sort & Filter button, usually at top right
  2. Select Custom Sort from the menu to open the sorting options panel
  3. From left to right, select Patrol?/Values/Z to A from the dropdown lists
  4. Click the Add Level button at top left
  5. From left to right, select Map Grid/Values/A to Z from the dropdown lists

That should sort the list as described above. You can also use this method to sort it in other ways, of course.
2 people liked this
Edited April 01 2016 by Unknown Person
Lars Zandor


Camelot Unchained?

April 01 2016
It looks interesting. I vote for a complete takeover, uhh I mean, a Stonewall presence to accommodate those who wish to play it.


Trove - A building MMO with RPG elements

April 01 2016
Sounds great! We're a small group so far. Not really up to club status... just friends playing Trove together. :P If the club grows, I would like to start having club hosted events including seasonal festivals, lotteries, building events, etc.


Stonewall Forums get mobile support!

April 01 2016
I've never tried the app myself I find the website loads just fine on my phone browser. Minus a few accidental deletions (reply is next to the delete button and I have fat thumbs) its worked as well as on my desktop.

As to your comment medgirl I have never noticed slow loading of the website on my desktop at all. Is this a problem other people have observed?
Scott Dallman (married Name)


Greetings all

April 01 2016
Hello and thanks for the welcome back.


Greetings all

April 01 2016
HI there, and welcome back ;)
Chris Mello


Camelot Unchained?

March 31 2016
My first MMO was City of Heroes and I've never been big on PvP. However, this game apparently isn't structured the same way as other PvP games, least that's way I got from the Massively pod cast. I also have a fondness for the Tuatha de Danaan from my Scion RPG days. The building elements seem interesting too and the vision for crafting actually made me start to care about all the things I tend to shy away from.

Unknown Person

Camelot Unchained?

March 31 2016
Do we really want to give Nick another opportunity to post that dead cat picture? :p

But yes ..

.. also Star Citizen. :whistle:
Tsar Agus


Camelot Unchained?

March 31 2016
Are we wanting to petition for Stonewall Presence in the game?

Unknown Person

Camelot Unchained?

March 31 2016
Like Voleron, I was in love with Dark Age of Camelot back in the day and such have had my eyes on Camelot Unchained for a long time.

I'm hoping it will be my go-to PvP game, especially since WvW in Guild Wars 2 is such a mess, and I can focus exclusively on PvE in other games.

The thing is trying to design a game like DAoC but not have it fight against the modern day player. The value of defence has been long over-looked and it crippled Warhammer Online and Guild Wars 2's WvW.

Keep trading..Why defend a Keep when you can earn more rewards running off and taking the undefended keep that your enemy has vacated to take the keep you just left behind. In DAoC there was a real pride for holding a keep. Some guilds in DAoC held keeps for MONTHS, seems impossible to imagine in 2016.

But here's hoping Camelot Unchained is as good as it's quasi-namesake.
Unknown Person liked this
Jamie O'Connell


Camelot Unchained?

March 31 2016
This looks pretty interesting.
Jamie O'Connell


Stonewall Forums get mobile support!

March 31 2016
Mobile support....? (rhetoric)

All I can say is that my mobile phones have always worked wonderfully with their site. It's their PC versions that totally suck. You sit there forever loading the page; even worse for me with Firefox. Now sometimes you get lucky, but with a fast/top grade PC, Graphics, & Internet there is no excuse for lack luster loading unless it is poor net design.

That aside, if there are improvements that is totally awesome. I really look forward to experiencing it.


Stonewall Forums get mobile support!

March 31 2016
The app may no longer be supported as part of the upgrade to the community's new site.
Dave (Voleron)


Camelot Unchained?

March 31 2016
I backed this project on Kickstarter several years ago, now. It's only in alpha at the moment, but I'm definitely looking forward to playing it casually once it's launched. My first MMO was Dark Age of Camelot, which I loved, and this game is made by several of the same people that were involved in the DAOC project and is kind of in that game's image, so I'm pretty excited!
Unknown Person liked this
Scott Dallman (married Name)


Stonewall Forums get mobile support!

March 31 2016
I'm getting a 404 error on this app guys.
Tsar Agus


Camelot Unchained?

March 31 2016
I'm intrigued
Edited March 31 2016 by WhiteOnmyoji
Chris Mello


Camelot Unchained?

March 31 2016
I was just curious has anyone looked at Camelot Unchained and what were your impressions of it?


Which Andoiran ship is best?

March 31 2016
oh yeah there is soem diffs but what i meant is they are visually highly similar, to the point i dont really have a prefference. its really the consoles i dont really get.
Scott Dallman (married Name)


Need a guild invite

March 30 2016
on KofS am a subscriber and already switched over to your server.
Would like to get all my toons added to the guild please. The following toons are requesting to be added to the guild please.


Thanks in advance.