The Fleet members!
The Tzenkethi have been pushed back and once again the shores of Dranuur are safe! We could not have done this without you. Nagh'Red is honored to have you fighting along side the noble house. There are a few warriors that we would like to bestow gifts to, in honor of their service this weekend.
House of Nagh'Red Grand Melee Champions:
2 SWC - IMTrick
2 SWC - Med
2 SWC - Sej
2 SWC - jcfitzner
Honorable Warrior's Victors of Dranuur:
1 SWC - Thaynthegamer#4356
1 SWC - TedHembach
1 SWC - Aegnor
Star Of Kahless for Dino Slaying:
3 SWC - Kieran
#stormthebeach Socialite Award:
1 SWC - Teknomancer
The SWCs will be deposited into your credit bank later this week for you to reap the rewards of battle.
Qa'pla Warriors!
-HRN General