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Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

Dave (Voleron)


(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

April 30 2016
Nope, no blocker. It's just started acting like this recently. I'm thinking that maybe it's an add-on that updated and is not working correctly. In any event, it's no big deal - I seem to be the only one affected and I don't mind loading up the website in Internet explorer until try new site goes live. Thanks for trying to troubleshoot though.


(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

May 01 2016
Just an idea...I don't have the issue Dave is experiencing but I have a similar issue at work. Whenever I try to use one of the webpages on the company intranet, it won't display properly. Yet, if I change the zoom setting within the browser by zooming in or out a few times, I can see it. Like magic, it just shows up. I always attributed it to my video driver but they won't let us update our drivers without them doing it for us. But maybe try could be rendering but just not being placed properly on the screen. It's and if I remember correctly. Worth a shot. I'd laugh if that was the fix. And the real treat is that it only does that within perfectly in Chrome and IE. I have all 3 installed because we do have some pages that only work with certain browsers...yeah...that's fun.
Dave (Voleron)


(Bug Report) Re: Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

May 02 2016
Quote by NicholasJohn16
That's really odd. Do you have an ad blocker? Maybe it's blocking some script execution.

Quote by tuvak
Just an idea...I don't have the issue Dave is experiencing but I have a similar issue at work. Whenever I try to use one of the webpages on the company intranet, it won't display properly. Yet, if I change the zoom setting within the browser by zooming in or out a few times, I can see it. Like magic, it just shows up. I always attributed it to my video driver but they won't let us update our drivers without them doing it for us. But maybe try could be rendering but just not being placed properly on the screen. It's and if I remember correctly. Worth a shot. I'd laugh if that was the fix. And the real treat is that it only does that within perfectly in Chrome and IE. I have all 3 installed because we do have some pages that only work with certain browsers...yeah...that's fun.

So as of today, the issue has bizarrely resolved itself and all is back to normal. Thanks for the help, though!
Jamie O'Connell


Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

May 13 2016
I noticed the STO feed sidebar on the main page is now in German. Is this intentional or no? Maybe a Cryptic error?

Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

May 13 2016
Quote by medgirl1025
I noticed the STO feed sidebar on the main page is now in German. Is this intentional or no? Maybe a Cryptic error?

Looks like we were using a very old link for the RSS feed. I've updated it to the current RSS Feed and it seems to have fixed the issue.
Unknown Person liked this

Help Topic! If you have a forum error, post here!

September 02 2016
I'm going to lock this thread now. From now on, if you run into any problems, need any help or see any bugs, you can report them in the Stonewall Subroutines group.