Imagining the Tenth Dimension

Jay Eudy


Imagining the Tenth Dimension

August 13 2010

Wrap your brains around this.
Brandon Felczer


Re: Imagining the Tenth Dimension

August 13 2010
Wow. Crazy.

My brain kinda hurts lol

Re: Imagining the Tenth Dimension

August 13 2010
Okay, this explains those wormhole alien things.


Re: Imagining the Tenth Dimension

August 13 2010
That was amazing. mind = blown


Re: Imagining the Tenth Dimension

August 13 2010
Woooooooooooooow... I feel like I understand EVERYTHING!!! :silly:
Jeremy Henderson


Re: Imagining the Tenth Dimension

August 13 2010


Re: Imagining the Tenth Dimension

August 13 2010
To make that final leap from the 9th to 10th dimension, why not discuss other possibilities than existence? Perhaps there are shades of something else that we can't even imagine because our own brains are so tied to existence as a necessary precondition to, well, everything.

Another thing that has recently blown my mind is the concept of how our perception fits into all of this. Basically, everything we experience is a mental construct that our brains have evolved to create in order to make sense of our world. Or to put it another way, "There is no spoon." Just probability waves that we perceive as a spoon, because our ancestors found that seeing and feeling the spoon leads to surviving long enough to procreate.

Then, if you add STO back into the discussion, you introduce a level of indirection into our perceptions. We're now seeing and hearing things in the virtual world that don't exist as physical objects in themselves, or at least not as the physical objects (spaceships and alien races) that we see and interact with. They are just patterns of electrons moving (very quickly) through silicon chips. But what we think of as reality is not all that different. It's just patterns of particles whizzing around in mostly-empty space.

And with that, my brain has reached critical heat and is shutting down to protect the hardware from permanent damage. System rebooting. . . .
X Centric


Re: Imagining the Tenth Dimension

August 13 2010
pretty dots and lines....

very cool. thanks for sharing :)