Re: Just say no to gradients.
This entire thread is becoming a visual assault on good taste.
I have a big pet peeve. I find it very annoying when people use a gradient in place of the Rainbow Flag. It bothers me to the very core and I find it utterly hideous.
Case in point:[attachment=606]gay_gradient.png[/attachment]
Isn't it awful?
The Rainbow Flag is made of 6 (Not 7 or 8, turquoise and hot pink were dropped for good reason. Get over it people.) stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple and in that order![attachment=609]gay_flag.png[/attachment]
The Rainbow flag incorporates the three primary and secondary colors. This provides the complimentary color (the secondary color) for each primary color which helps the piece look more vivid and bright. As well, the different stripes help provide balance through the entire flag. The gradient mean while just looks plain awful.
That is all.
That is all.
Not only is this a gradient fail, but a magic eraser fail. Dave, you should be ashamed.