JJ Abrams on Gays in Star Trek
AfterElton.com’s Michael Jensen had a chance to interview JJ Abrams about the lack of queer folk in Star Trek. This is what he had to say:
Evidently, the only way to show that a character is gay is to have them fuck on stage. Hopefully though, we'll eventually get some family portrayed in Star Trek; lets just pray they don't turn out to be evil or cannon fodder.
Source: Queerty
Full Interview: AfterElton
Related: Braga on Gays in Star Trek
I just wouldn’t want the agenda to be… whether it’s a heterosexual relationship or a homosexual relationship, to tell a story that was, that felt distracting from the purpose of the story. So I’m complete[ly] open-minded, you know—I’m interested in finding a way to do that but it’s almost like it’s a tricky thing. Because it’s the right thing to do… but [you want to] do it in a way that doesn’t feel like you’re [just] doing it in order to make that point. Because then it’s almost a disservice. Because then it feels like, “Oh that stupid distracting subplot about you know, you know, that minority. Or those people."
So the question is how do you do it where it doesn’t feel like, ‘Why am I getting into that kind of detail about the character’s life if not just to make a point of it?’ So the answer is, I think it should be done and I’d love to be able to do it…once we get through the bigger issues of certain structural things that are really the key to the show or the movie being done well.
Evidently, the only way to show that a character is gay is to have them fuck on stage. Hopefully though, we'll eventually get some family portrayed in Star Trek; lets just pray they don't turn out to be evil or cannon fodder.
Source: Queerty
Full Interview: AfterElton
Related: Braga on Gays in Star Trek