What's in a name?

What's in a name?

December 31 2011
For well over a year, we've been working towards building a multi-guild community from changing our policies and procedures to include more than one guild to opening up new officer positions and discussing how the two guilds interrelate to one another.

I'll be honest and say it's been difficult.

Through out the entire time though, many of us that have debate the inner-workings of our organizational structure have clumsily stumbled over what to call ourselves. We've somewhat defaulted to referring to everything as a collective "Stonewall" as it is the name that's shared among our parts, but that alone does not do well to define us. I tried out "Stonewall Guilds", but that didn't work right. For a time, I was partial to "The Stonewall Network", but that didn't feel right either. Some (*stares at Zepari*) likes "Stonewall Gaming Community", but we aren't the SGC!

Now that things are getting underway with Knights of Stonewall and things are livening up with Stonewall Fleet, I felt it was time to open this up to the entire community and ask for suggestions and what you felt our name should be. I've created a poll at the top of this post including the choices I've mentioned above and I'll add in any more suggestions that come along.

I have a few things I want you to consider when you're coming up with a suggestion:

Availability | Some names, like for instance Stonewall, are incredibly popular and are already used by other organizations or companies. This makes things like having a high search rating or even getting a domain very difficult. Think about how common the name is when picking one out.

Structure | This name will not define Stonewall Fleet or Knights of Stonewall, instead it will define the organization that unites the both of us. Knights of Stonewall isn't a branch of Stonewall Fleet, instead they are both strong self standing organizations that are united by a common bond. Keep that in mind.

Culture | Naming us after the Stonewall Riots has given us a very specific culture. That small influence of our name has tied us to the struggle and triumph, to the history and vibrance of our community and has greatly affected how we've evolved over time. This new name will do so as well.

Feel free to reply with your own suggestions below, discuss the suggestions so far and vote above. Be sure to check back often and see what new options there are. You can revise your vote at anytime. This is a totally open discussion so if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please post those too!
Edited December 31 2011 by nicholasjohn16

Unknown Person

Re: What's in a name?

December 31 2011
I don't really have a suggestion (because I suck) but I'd like to encourage some creative thinking.

So far we have always referred to ourself's as "Stonewall" because as Nick said "Stonewall" is the comment name that binds the current two guilds and holds a certain amount of identity to us because of the "Stonewall Riots".

But we are talking about the name for our entire community and I think we could branch out further than that in terms of suggestions. There's no reason why Stonewall Fleet and Knights of Stonewall can't be offshoots of the "NicholasJohn Network" (I like that, lol) and this would allow us a certain amount of freedom when it comes to create future homes in other games.

I'd also like to suggest we step away from mentioning "gaming" in the title. I don't think we are just a gaming community at the moment, we have people discussing TV shows, movies, art and all hosts of stuff they find on the internet. Who knows what we'll be doing in another 10 years (hopefully we'll be Facebook size and we all will have produced a movie about how Nick stole the Stonewall idea from us :p).

Just some thoughts anyway :)


Re: What's in a name?

December 31 2011
Of those three poll-choices i prefer 'Stonewall Network'. But when you do a google search, you find a small american software company. American companies like to sew, especially if someone else uses their name.

I like 'Stonewall Guilds' too. When you do a search for it on google, you find a link to the Stonewall Family. Their a guild and they are called Stonewall too. I remember a few people here or on the swtor chat asking if we where the same people as that guild. I don't think the Stonewall Family will like it very much if we call ourselfs 'Stonewall Guilds'.

As for the third option, sorry don't like it very much. But a google search doesn't turn anything up, so it is the best of those three.

Another suggestion: Stonewall gamers

Quote by Halish
(because I suck)

I guess we all do, but 'the stonewall suckers' doesn't work either ;)

Quote by Halish

I'd also like to suggest we step away from mentioning "gaming" in the title. I don't think we are just a gaming community at the moment, we have people discussing TV shows, movies, art and all hosts of stuff they find on the internet.

I assume that all our members are playing SWTOR or STO. I don't know what future plans you guys have, but currently we are a scifi mmorpg community. What kind of expansions are you considering? More importantly what kind of things do you consider as never going to be something you allow under the flag of this community. For instance if a few people here asked to start a real life roleplaying group using the name of this community, would you go along with it? If a few people here asked to start a dating service using the name of this community, would you go along with it?

Quote by Halish
"NicholasJohn Network" (I like that, lol) and this would allow us a certain amount of freedom when it comes to create future homes in other games.

Lords of Stonewall
Proudly part of the NicolasJohn Network

Sounds nice too.
Edited December 31 2011 by nniicc


Re: What's in a name?

December 31 2011
I do refer to us as the Stonewall Gaming Community. I like it and feel that the association of an acronym with the syfy channel shouldn't deter anyone from using it.


Re: What's in a name?

December 31 2011
The Nicholas John Stonewall Memorial Allied Group of Fleets and Guilds for Gaming and Social Interaction on the Internet or NJSMAGOFAGFGASIOTI for short.


United Stonewall Families.


Re: What's in a name?

December 31 2011
A few more that popped up after reading these last posts:

Stonewall Union (STUN for short)

United Stonewall

St.United Gamers (STUNG for short)

The NJ Gayming Comm.
Edward Lloris


Re: What's in a name?

December 31 2011
Quote by nniicc
A few more that popped up after reading these last posts:

Stonewall Union (STUN for short)

United Stonewall

St.United Gamers (STUNG for short)

The NJ Gayming Comm.

Love Stonewall Union, but its a record company. I hate Stonewall Gaming Community we're more then that. Maybe Stonewall League or Stonewall Confederation. The Stonewall Hegemony has a nice ring to it.
Edited December 31 2011 by Saintplazma
Whittier Strong


Re: What's in a name?

December 31 2011
Stonewall Gaming Alliance?
Kidd Kasper


Re: What's in a name?

December 31 2011
I like Stonewall Gaming Community.

But, if we want to expand to include more than just gaming, maybe Stonewall Alliance Network?
Justin Fausek


Re: What's in a name?

December 31 2011
What about The Stonewall Universe. It has a kind of all-encompassing feel to it. A google search didn't reveal any major conflicts.

Unknown Person

Re: What's in a name?

January 01 2012
Maybe right now it is. I don't know about you guys but I don't want to stop the party early.
Kidd Kasper


Re: What's in a name?

January 01 2012
Quote by nthoctave
What about The Stonewall Universe. It has a kind of all-encompassing feel to it. A google search didn't reveal any major conflicts.

I like that :)
Whittier Strong


Re: What's in a name?

January 01 2012
Stonewall Universe seems to fit. It simultaneously acknowledges the sci-fi factor whilst at the same time, by the very definition of the word, gives us room to explore more.

Re: What's in a name?

January 01 2012
Quote by Halish
There's no reason why Stonewall Fleet and Knights of Stonewall can't be offshoots of the "NicholasJohn Network" (I like that, lol) and this would allow us a certain amount of freedom when it comes to create future homes in other games.

The Nick Network crossed my mind a couple times, but seemed way to conceded to use. :)

Quote by nniicc
Of those three poll-choices i prefer 'Stonewall Network'. But when you do a Google search, you find a small American software company. American companies like to sue, especially if someone else uses their name.

Even if they were to sue, we're in a completely field than them and non-for profit. They wouldn't have much of a case for us infringing on their name.

Quote by nniicc
I like 'Stonewall Guilds' too. When you do a search for it on google, you find a link to the Stonewall Family. Their a guild and they are called Stonewall too. I remember a few people here or on the swtor chat asking if we where the same people as that guild. I don't think the Stonewall Family will like it very much if we call ourselves 'Stonewall Guilds'.

Actually, the guild leader of the Stonewall Family and I have chatted at great lengths about our respective guilds. Our three guilds, Stonewall Fleet, Knights of Stonewall and the Stonewall Family are in a sort of alliance were we are the primary guild for each game. Its called the Stonewall Gamers Alliance. Basically, if any of the Stonewall Familiy's members want to play STO or TOR, they direct them to us and we direct any people interested in WOW to them. I don't think they'd mind at all, tbh. :) Although, there is the Stonewall Champions in WOW that we aren't associated with.

Quote by Halish
I'd also like to suggest we step away from mentioning "gaming" in the title. I don't think we are just a gaming community at the moment, we have people discussing TV shows, movies, art and all hosts of stuff they find on the internet.

Quote by nniicc
I assume that all our members are playing SWTOR or STO. I don't know what future plans you guys have, but currently we are a scifi mmorpg community. What kind of expansions are you considering? More importantly what kind of things do you consider as never going to be something you allow under the flag of this community. For instance if a few people here asked to start a real life roleplaying group using the name of this community, would you go along with it? If a few people here asked to start a dating service using the name of this community, would you go along with it?

Quote by Cencid
People are going to have more interests and discuss more than just gaming, but that does not change the fact that gaming is the main focus and the main attraction.

You never know where we'll be in the years to come or how we'll continue to define ourselves. Who knows, maybe we'll start our own MMO one day. I think IRL meetings would be a fantastic part of our community. As we continue to grow and we have more members in more places, it'll become easier for people to meet other Stonewall gaymers in there area. If great relationships come out of that, that's fantastic! If I'm not mistaken, a few people have met their significant other through Stonewall already.

Quote by Halish
Who knows what we'll be doing in another 10 years (hopefully we'll be Facebook size and we all will have produced a movie about how Nick stole the Stonewall idea from us :p).

This is the secret to my success, my special power. I steal other people's ideas and use them as my own without them even noticing. :P Or at least, they do notice but don't care cause they like me so much.

Quote by Seannewboy
The Nicholas John Stonewall Memorial Allied Group of Fleets and Guilds for Gaming and Social Interaction on the Internet or NJSMAGOFAGFGASIOTI for short.


United Stonewall Families.

OMG that's one hell of an acronym. I do like how FAG is in there though. :)

Quote by nniicc
A few more that popped up after reading these last posts:

Stonewall Union (STUN for short)

United Stonewall

St.United Gamers (STUNG for short)

The NJ Gayming Comm.

What does the "St." Stand for? Stonewall?

Quote by SaintPlazma
Love Stonewall Union, but its a record company. I hate Stonewall Gaming Community we're more then that. Maybe Stonewall League or Stonewall Confederation. The Stonewall Hegemony has a nice ring to it.

We aren't Gorn!

Quote by nthoctave
What about The Stonewall Universe. It has a kind of all-encompassing feel to it. A google search didn't reveal any major conflicts.

Hmm, sounds very Linux! I'll add it.

Quote by Cencid
We are now! Besides, everything Star Gate is canceled, they are not using it anymore.

I know. :( It makes me sad. I want Stargate Universe back.

Re: What's in a name?

January 01 2012
I've updated the list of options. Take a gander and feel free to update your vote to your new favorite. :) *cough* Not Stonewall Gaming Community *cough*
Will Tubbert


Re: What's in a name?

January 01 2012
Might be a little odd coming from a "Yank" for all of our British Invasion brethren, but I think Stonewall United might say it all succinctly. Sounds a bit like a British Soccer team, but it keeps the name from being pigeonholed into gaming while speaking exactly to what (at least to me) the guild(s) are about.
Unknown Person liked this


Re: What's in a name?

January 01 2012
I'll be honest - this is something I just don't feel all that strongly about. That being said, I really like the sound of Stonewall United. Cheers, Dakon.


Re: What's in a name?

January 01 2012
Stonewall Universal Gaming Alliance then your acronym would be Suga which is "sweet" in itself hehe.
Edward Lloris


Re: What's in a name?

January 01 2012
Quote by SaintPlazma
Love Stonewall Union, but its a record company. I hate Stonewall Gaming Community we're more then that. Maybe Stonewall League or Stonewall Confederation. The Stonewall Hegemony has a nice ring to it.
We aren't Gorn!

Didn't think of that. Who dosen't want to be a big green lizie thing?


Re: What's in a name?

January 01 2012
Quote by NicholasJohn16

Quote by nniicc

St.United Gamers (STUNG for short)

What does the "St." Stand for? Stonewall?

Yes. Playing a little with abbreviations.