What's in a name?



Re: What's in a name?

January 01 2012
Looking through the list of names that made it into the poll I only really like Stonewall Network, it's the only one that kinda speaks to me.

That said I do kind of like my Husband's Suggestion of Stonewall United. If you think about it, it kind of works because no matter what the method of interaction we are united in providing a safe, welcoming place for people to be themselves around others.

That is just my two cents though.

Re: What's in a name?

January 02 2012
One of the main reasons why I'm not a big fan of 'Stonewall Gaming Community' is because of its commonality.

There's the Rough Trade Gaming Community, the Praxis Gaming Network, The Tactical Gaming Community, Apocolapse Gaming Community, The GNG Adult Gaming Community, Atrix Entertainment Gaming Community and there are about a few thousand others. Everyone, and their dog, has a "gaming community".

"Gaming communities" is a very generic, unoriginal, unimaginative name. I'd like to think that we're more unique and creative than that. We do things differently than most 'gaming communities' and we go out of our way to do things the best, most logical way instead of just 'the way that guilds do it.' I think our name should reflect that.
2 people liked this


Re: What's in a name?

January 02 2012
Quote by NicholasJohn16
One of the main reasons why I'm not a big fan of 'Stonewall Gaming Community' is because of its commonality.

There's the Rough Trade Gaming Community, the Praxis Gaming Network, The Tactical Gaming Community, Apocolapse Gaming Community, The GNG Adult Gaming Community, Atrix Entertainment Gaming Community and there are about a few thousand others. Everyone, and their dog, has a "gaming community".

"Gaming communities" is a very generic, unoriginal, unimaginative name. I'd like to think that we're more unique and creative than that. We do things differently than most 'gaming communities' and we go out of our way to do things the best, most logical way instead of just 'the way that guilds do it.' I think our name should reflect that.

It's sort of like sliced bread. First there was just the one company selling it, now they're all over the place. Sheesh. :3

It's popular because it's a good term. People like to feel like they're part of a community, they would also like to feel that they can have an identifier to set their community apart from the standard definition. Viola, "Gaming community" :) Obviously, not everyone can be a part of the "Dog groomers gaming community" so they create their own.

It's not a bad thing to be a gaming community, it's actually rather nice; it feels nice to be a part of a community. :)

I imagine that that is why Stonewall Gaming Community has the most votes. Go with the people, you may not feel that the majority knows best, but its what the majority wants. ;)

Personally, I like feeling that I'm part of a community.

Maybe Stonewall Community of Gamers? :) (SCoG! :3)
Edited January 02 2012 by Angelsilhouette


Re: What's in a name?

January 02 2012
I woke up and had this idea so I rushed online to post. How about Stonewall Equality Gaming Alliance. The acronym would be SEGA which is fitting due to it being a gaming system many of us probably played growing up. A website address could simply be www.stonewallega.com
Whittier Strong


Re: What's in a name?

January 02 2012
Just to say that, with so many options, and with so many options getting at least one vote, it seems fair that there should be a runoff vote of top contenders after this poll closes.


Re: What's in a name?

January 03 2012
I still think "Stonewall Community of Gamers" (SCoG) should be added to the poll. :3
Edited January 03 2012 by Angelsilhouette
Clif Steele


Re: What's in a name?

January 05 2012
Quote by NicholasJohn16
One of the main reasons why I'm not a big fan of 'Stonewall Gaming Community' is because of its commonality.


"Gaming communities" is a very generic, unoriginal, unimaginative name. I'd like to think that we're more unique and creative than that. We do things differently than most 'gaming communities' and we go out of our way to do things the best, most logical way instead of just 'the way that guilds do it.' I think our name should reflect that.

I agree with that sentiment Nick - and looking at it from a branding/identity standpoint -- with so many other organizations using "gaming community", it gets easy to confuse many of them. It also doesn't really stand out from a search engine perspective.

There are some cool suggestions on the list above, lots of good input in this discussion!



Re: What's in a name?

January 06 2012
For what it's worth I completely agree. Even something simple like the Stonewall Union or the Stonewall Confederation choices are much more appealing.
Edited January 06 2012 by eaedyan80


Re: What's in a name?

January 06 2012
I still like the idea of being a community and identifying ourselves as such. I am still behind Stonewall Gaming Community or, if it has to change, Stonewall Community of Gamers.
Justin Fausek


Re: What's in a name?

January 07 2012
We may be a community of sorts but do we really need it in our name? Putting something like 'Gaming Community' in our name not only states what's already pretty obvious, it also defines and somewhat limits what we are and can be.


Re: What's in a name?

January 07 2012
Quote by nthoctave
We may be a community of sorts but do we really need it in our name? Putting something like 'Gaming Community' in our name not only states what's already pretty obvious, it also defines and somewhat limits what we are and can be.

Being that we're so spread out, that's pretty much the only thing that's binding us together outside of being LGBT or LGBT supportive, but I understand your point.

Ah well:

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.
Edited January 08 2012 by Angelsilhouette


Re: What's in a name?

January 08 2012
what about The United Federation of Stonewall ? :-)


Re: What's in a name?

January 08 2012
What about a middle ground using all of the most popular and a synonym for community? Maybe something like The "Stonewall Universal Gaming Society". This would show our unity as a society. Universal giving the ability for broad range of other spectrum's in the future as well.

I think the best thing right now is to keep the ones that are favorites and keep brain storming from those. Normally in order to find the perfect name you have to look at everything good and bad. An example of this... LMFAO (the band) was named because when the artist told his grandmother he was going to be a recording artist that was the text he received back.
Justin Fausek


Re: What's in a name?

January 08 2012
Please don't misunderstand. While I think there are better choices out there besides 'SGC', I don't feel THAT strongly about it. If we do go with that name, my pitchfork and torch will probably remain out in the tool shed where they will continue to collect dust. Its just my feeling that we could benefit from a more creative name. If this group continues to be accepting and fun, I don't see anyone worth having around leaving over the name.


Re: What's in a name?

January 08 2012
Personally, I hope that the votes speak louder than the vocal minority. ;)

Even if I didn't like SGC, I would still defer to the majority who have voted for it.

Unknown Person

Re: What's in a name?

January 08 2012
It wouldn't be right to remove the leading choice just because some of us don't like it.
Unknown Person liked this


Re: What's in a name?

January 08 2012
Quote by Halish
It wouldn't be right to remove the leading choice just because some of us don't like it.

The leading vote is the most popular one, obviously that shouldn't be removed. Maybe we should do it the way you americans do it: re-vote between the most popular names.

Only a tiny number of members have voted. Makes me wonder if most members never visit the forum or if they don't care about the name.

On the other hand this isn't a democracy. It's up to Nick to make the final decision.


Re: What's in a name?

January 08 2012
Quote by nniicc
Only a tiny number of members have voted. Makes me wonder if most members never visit the forum or if they don't care about the name.

On the other hand this isn't a democracy. It's up to Nick to make the final decision.

Saddly you are closer to the truth then you know. Many folks in KoS do not come to the forums and have even stated in guid chat that "I never go back to the forums once I register with a guild".

I have no idea how to correct this since anyone, anything and anybody can join the guild at the drop of a hat just by asking.

We can only go with the name that has the most votes. If you don't then why did you bother putting up a vote?


Re: What's in a name?

January 08 2012
Quote by Van

We can only go with the name that has the most votes. If you don't then why did you bother putting up a vote?

And of all the people who should appreciate and respect the power of the vote, I would imagine it would be us, the last of the minorities who are (apparently) allowed to be denigrated in the open media (in America, at least); and by politicians, no less.

Quote by nniicc
On the other hand this isn't a democracy. It's up to Nick to make the final decision.

I certainly hope that we don't have the kind of leadership that would disregard what the majority of their members want based on something so insignificant as personal preference.
Edited January 08 2012 by Angelsilhouette

Unknown Person

Re: What's in a name?

January 08 2012
Quote by Angelsilhouette
Quote by nniicc
On the other hand this isn't a democracy. It's up to Nick to make the final decision.

I certainly hope that we don't have the kind of leadership that would disregard what the majority of their members want based on something so insignificant as personal preference.

My position personally is that we should go with the most popular choice as it's the fairest solution but even though your comments seem absolutely correct on the surface, I'd like to make the point that Nick over-riding this poll shouldn't reflect badly on him or the leadership.

Nick created this community and (we all hope) Nick will be around forever. Unfortunately the same can not be said for the members who will always come and go as their interest and disinterest in games fluctuates. On top of that popular opinion is something that changes, not only from month to month, but from day to day and what may be popular now may not be in the future.

Nick has to pick something that is not only fitting today but is also fitting tomorrow and for as long as the community survives. We'd hope it's something he likes so it doesn't drive him mental every time he looks at it.

I personally voted for my suggestion of the NicholasJohn Network. Not only does it not categorise us into any specific box but it also honours our founder and the hard work he has put into and continues to put into the community so that we can make friends and enjoy the games (and more) that we want to enjoy in a completely friendly environment.

Whatever the decision, a name remains a name and it's the people who make great communities and because of that I believe we have a fantastic future whatever flag we fly.