What's in a name?

Edward Lloris


Re: What's in a name?

January 09 2012
If people are that antigaming we can always change our vote there's only a ten point gap.

Re: What's in a name?

January 09 2012
Quote by Halish
We'd hope it's something he likes so it doesn't drive him mental every time he looks at it.

This is what I hope too. :) Please don't drive me mental. :(
Whittier Strong


Re: What's in a name?

January 09 2012
This is my reasoning for why we should have a runoff vote. Right now, we have 16 votes for Stonewall Gaming Community--and 25 votes for not-Stonewall Gaming Community. A runoff would at least give people the chance to pick their second-favourite.
Justin Fausek


Re: What's in a name?

January 09 2012
Angelsilhouette wrote:
And of all the people who should appreciate and respect the power of the vote, I would imagine it would be us, the last of the minorities who are (apparently) allowed to be denigrated in the open media (in America, at least); and by politicians, no less.

Somewhat off topic, I know, but I just couldn't pass it up.
It is precisely because we are a minority that we should be weary of just going along with what's the most popular. When Prop. 8 passed in California, would you say that it was a good thing simply because the majority of people who bothered to show up at the polls voted for it? I wouldn't.

I realize this is a far less serious issue that we are talking about here. I'm just bothered whenever somebody suggests that the majority always knows best./rant

Carry on...
Edward Lloris


Re: What's in a name?

January 09 2012
Quote by nthoctave
Angelsilhouette wrote:
And of all the people who should appreciate and respect the power of the vote, I would imagine it would be us, the last of the minorities who are (apparently) allowed to be denigrated in the open media (in America, at least); and by politicians, no less.

Somewhat off topic, I know, but I just couldn't pass it up.
It is precisely because we are a minority that we should be weary of just going along with what's the most popular. When Prop. 8 passed in California, would you say that it was a good thing simply because the majority of people who bothered to show up at the polls voted for it? I wouldn't.

I realize this is a far less serious issue that we are talking about here. I'm just bothered whenever somebody suggests that the majority always knows best./rant

Carry on...

you bring out the history geek in me "A democracy is, amongst civil nations, accounted the meanest and worst of all forms of government." John Winthrop he later adds that the 'majority can eat up the minority' OK geekfest 2012 is over for now
Edited January 09 2012 by Saintplazma


Re: What's in a name?

January 09 2012
My suggestion is still urge people to come vote. Then take the top votes and hold another vote. I know I've heard majority of people are voting for "Stonewall Gaming Community" but 17 votes out of 43 I don't consider that a lot since majority voted for other things.

I think with so many options the votes are so spread thin that it is seriously going to be hard to see what majority wants. I also as a new person don't get a lot of the names and the reasons behind them. So maybe it might help to kind of have a sales pitch of sorts as to why that name might be good?
Unknown Person liked this
Edited January 09 2012 by Justjon
Kevin McHutchison


Re: What's in a name?

January 11 2012
I don't want to throw a wrench in the naming process, but what about Stonewall United or Stonewall Guilds United. In Google the only other thing that comes up is the Stonewall United Methodist church. So it would get noticed.

Just a suggesstion.

-Kevin ~ Xal Starlighter
Will Tubbert


Re: What's in a name?

January 11 2012
I'm with Soren (only because I said Stonewall United earlier)! ;-) I still think it sounds like a British soccer league, though.


Re: What's in a name?

January 11 2012
Quote by DakonKor
I'm with Soren (only because I said Stonewall United earlier)! ;-) I still think it sounds like a British soccer league, though.

lol Stonewall United [strike]Football[/strike] Gaming Club


Re: What's in a name?

January 11 2012
I'm a little confused here... Who/what organization are we talking about?
Knights of Stonewall, Lords of Stonewall, Stonewall Fleet? No one's seemed to make much mention of The Stonewall Family (the WoW Guild) who is supposedly a partner in this 'alliance'...?

Lest we forget, we're gamers, by the way, and it's the games that brought us all together.

Additionally it seems before we start over-extending our reach we need to do a little housekeeping here at home. The invite process seems a bit confused, the leadership structure seems unorganized, and no one besides Doogiegood (on Alliance side, at least) seems to be handling much in-game duties.

Maybe it's the Officer in me (in other guilds, not this one) but as a member it's very confusing around here.

How can we expand outside the bounds of the sub-guilds if those sub-guilds aren't functioning smoothly and efficiently?

Additionally, and no offense to Nick, but I'm a bit saddened to see the three references to Nick in the list of naming options.. I hope those were tongue-in-cheek, but not knowing Nick personally, I just don't know. And the single option that appears to be an acronym that includes "FAG" I just find offensive. (Thankfully no one has given that one a single vote.)

Here we're talking about how we want to be known and perceived outside the walls of our guild, and yet some of these options were presented as valid options/contenders? Is this really how we want to be known?

Sorry, but that wasn't the kind of guild I thought I was signing up for when I joined here. :(

Quote by intristin
Quote by NicholasJohn16

This looks really nice.. I like it B)

Glad you liked it. :woohoo: I actually designed that at the request of the Warcraft Stonewall Family guild leader many months ago; I hadn't heard anything back after sending that to him and had figured the project had died.

Re: What's in a name?

January 11 2012
Quote by Jedilicious
I'm a little confused here... Who/what organization are we talking about?
Knights of Stonewall, Lords of Stonewall, Stonewall Fleet? No one's seemed to make much mention of The Stonewall Family (the WoW Guild) who is supposedly a partner in this 'alliance'...?

Lest we forget, we're gamers, by the way, and it's the games that brought us all together.

Additionally it seems before we start over-extending our reach we need to do a little housekeeping here at home. The invite process seems a bit confused, the leadership structure seems unorganized, and no one besides Doogiegood (on Alliance side, at least) seems to be handling much in-game duties.

Maybe it's the Officer in me (in other guilds, not this one) but as a member it's very confusing around here.

How can we expand outside the bounds of the sub-guilds if those sub-guilds aren't functioning smoothly and efficiently?

Additionally, and no offense to Nick, but I'm a bit saddened to see the three references to Nick in the list of naming options.. I hope those were tongue-in-cheek, but not knowing Nick personally, I just don't know. And the single option that appears to be an acronym that includes "FAG" I just find offensive. (Thankfully no one has given that one a single vote.)

Here we're talking about how we want to be known and perceived outside the walls of our guild, and yet some of these options were presented as valid options/contenders? Is this really how we want to be known?

Sorry, but that wasn't the kind of guild I thought I was signing up for when I joined here. :(

Sounds like you should read the thread before posting replies.


Re: What's in a name?

January 11 2012
Quote by NicholasJohn16
Sounds like you should read the thread before posting replies.

I read all 10 pages, actually. Did I miss something?

Re: What's in a name?

January 11 2012
In my first post underneath Structure, I explain that we're talking about the organization that Stonewall Fleet and Knights of Stonewall belong to. In the second post, the 'NicholasJohn Network' is suggested by Halish. The 'NJSMAGOFAGFGASIOTI' option was suggested here by SeanNewBoy and the appearance of FAG in the acronym is merely a coincidence. It was submitted as a joke and wasn't meant to be taken seriously. 'The NJ Gaming Community' was suggested by nniicc here.

It's in this post, that I mention The Stonewall Family and the Stonewall Gamers Alliance which is a completely separate organization.

To help make the invitation process more clear, we recently finished a guide on the steps to get invited into the guild. Our Welcome Center is a bit sparse at the moment, but that will be filled with time.

We're currently understaffed at the moment in Knights of Stonewall and we know so. To that end, we've begun accepting applications for 'Captains' to help out and we'll be filling more positions soon.

That being said, we do have officers and 'LTs' helping out ingame. Our officers are from different parts of the country and world and play at different times. They may simple play at different times, but they are there.

Unknown Person

Re: What's in a name?

January 11 2012
Quote by Jedilicious
Additionally, and no offense to Nick, but I'm a bit saddened to see the three references to Nick in the list of naming options..
Quote by Halish
I personally voted for my suggestion of the NicholasJohn Network. Not only does it not categorise us into any specific box but it also honours our founder and the hard work he has put into and continues to put into the community so that we can make friends and enjoy the games (and more) that we want to enjoy in a completely friendly environment.

I suggested one of those the "NicholasJohn Network" and I also explained the reasoning why.

You say you don't know Nick very well but if you did you'd know he'd never suggest using his name. He'd be too scared his ego is showing and he tries to keep that hidden at all times :whistle: :P

As for the current state of the guilds, I think we have to remember that we are less than a month into the life of a game that most people hope will last for years.

We're not exactly falling apart and the little problems we are having will be fixed. I assure you of that.


Re: What's in a name?

January 11 2012
Quote by NicholasJohn16
The 'NJSMAGOFAGFGASIOTI' option was suggested here by SeanNewBoy and the appearance of FAG in the acronym is merely a coincidence. It was submitted as a joke and wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

I've noticed it, too. Every time I go to the thread or change pages, the little three letter word jumps out at me every time.


Re: What's in a name?

January 16 2012
I voted for Stonewall Union. That sounded coolest. :P


Re: What's in a name?

February 03 2012
I know this topic has gotten really quiet but I had an idea tonight and thought I'd share it. Since we are large group of people with one of the main common thing between us being gaming in a MMO world I think this fits.

I think we should call ourselves Stonewall MMO. Site would be stonewallmmo.com(yes it's available) and I made a rough sketch logo in Adobe Illustrator to show my idea of a logo =)
Edited February 03 2012 by Justjon


Re: What's in a name?

February 03 2012
Quote by Justjon
I know this topic has gotten really quiet but I had an idea tonight and thought I'd share it. Since we are large group of people with one of the main common thing between us being gaming in a MMO world I think this fits.

I think we should call ourselves Stonewall MMO. Site would be stonewallmmo.com(yes it's available) and I made a rough sketch logo in Adobe Illustrator to show my idea of a logo =)

The membership has voiced their opinion via the poll. But it seems that the leadership doesn't like this option and will probably just pick something they like. As I've said before why do a poll if your not going to follow thru with the choice?
Unknown Person liked this
Will Tubbert


Re: What's in a name?

February 03 2012
Frankly I don't like any of the options in the "poll." They are either too formal, too generic, or intentionally humorously too specific. "Polls" also show that the majority of voters want to ban Gay Marriage. I'm personally glad a poll isn't a vote.

Unknown Person

Re: What's in a name?

February 03 2012
This thread isn't and has never been an official decision making thread. It wasn't discussed by the officers before it was posted and it hasn't been discussed by the officers since.

This thread was just Nick trying to involve the membership in a discussion he would otherwise be having with his mirror. If you read Nick's original post you'll notice that there isn't a closing date and no where does he imply that the poll alone will show the final choice.

This topic has not been closed, the discussion is not over as long as somebody still wants to discuss it. No member has the right to decide when to place in full stop in an open discussion.

If people still have opinions to express, ideas to present or anything that they feel will add to this thread then they are welcome to bring it on. This is a discussion which has no immediate need for resolution because it involves the name that will hopefully last for many years across many games.

Anyway, back on topic...

Jon, did you create that logo completely youself? the hand and everything? I used to lead a guild which had "fist" in the title and our logo was a fist very much similar to that so naturally I love it!

I don't however like the name, it's not something that really rolls of the tongue. It also limits the guild into a smaller box than I thought "gaming" already did lol so naturally It's not my cup of tea... sorry!
Edited February 03 2012 by Unknown Person