Unfortunately, it does matter what server you are on Lars because both of the SWTOR guilds are located on The Harbinger server in the US. You can start new toons on the Harbinger server if you'd like to become a member of the guilds but EA/Bioware made it impossible to transfer toons between European and US servers (what a pain in the you know where!). I believe this was probably because they crammed everyone from the Asian/Oceanic servers on the US servers when they shut those servers down. This has made it quite difficult to complete missions because there are just too many people trying to complete them at the same time and EA hasn't figured out how to get the mobs to rez quickly enough to enable everyone to finish their mission in a timely fashion. It's also made everything run extremely slowly, loading time seems to take forever and things are really buggy. :blink: Hopefully, they get this fixed quickly. :)
Please let me know if you decide to start any toons on The Harbinger server and I can make sure to log on when you do to send you invites.