Uganda embargo petition

Alison Demzon


Uganda embargo petition

November 20 2012
Just got this petition pointed out to me on my FaceBook.

remove all foreign aid to Uganda and impose sanctions if the "Kill the Gays" bill is passed by the legislature.

Yes, really. They have had this bill kicking around for a while now, but they are making a big push to get it enacted now. It would make being any "homosexual act" or "cross dressing" punishable by death. Look in to it, and click the sign button on the petition if you feel you should.
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Edited November 20 2012 by Demzon

Unknown Person

Re: Uganda embargo petition

November 20 2012
The situation in Uganda is truly horrifying and everything I hear coming from that country worries me greatly.

I absolutely agree that our nations should act against this but I don't see it happening. Aid helps the most poorest people around the world and I don't think any government will turn their backs on saving people from dying due to illness or starvation just because a country has a terrible stance on GBLT issues.

The Uganda powers that be use the rampant homophobia in that country to distract from the real issues they have.

A openly gay British DJ named Scott Mills went to Uganda to do a documentary a couple of years ago. I'll see if I can find it on you tube:

Part one:

I also don't think your link is working.
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Alison Demzon


Re: Uganda embargo petition

November 20 2012
Fixed. For some reason it modified the URL through the tool to "
" and that would confuse any browser. True enough. This is about the only thing that the US could do though is shut everything off to them. The idea being that the reasonable people will stand up and tell the government to stop. It never happens because by the time it gets to this point the people are already to beaten down. At least if that petition hits it's mark it will go to the President to think of something to do; or at least explain why we are going to stand by silent while people are killed.
I was going to do a bit of spinning, so I will watch that video while I do that. ^.^
Edited November 20 2012 by Demzon