November-December edition of the Stonewall Times

Ali M


November-December edition of the Stonewall Times

December 08 2012
The latest edition of the Stonewall Times will be hitting your inboxes in the next few hours. If you can't wait that long, check it out here!

In this bumper edition:
  • We put your questions to Brandon 'BranFlakes' Felczer (STO Community Manager)
  • Review of the past twelve months in Star Trek Online
  • Gay marriage in the US
  • Astrometrics Report highlighting dazzling astronomy images from 2012
  • Meet Fleet Captain Voleron
  • Re-cap of the Halloween 'Trellium Catastrophe' event
  • Preview of next weekend's 'White Winter Whirl' event
  • Introduction to Stonewall Fleet's roleplayers
  • The winner of our 'Starbase Stories' competition
  • Fleet Foundry mission focus: the amazing "Shadows of the Past" by backyardserenade

I’m sad to say that we still haven’t had any contributions related to SW: TOR, GW2 or The Secret World. We need Stonewallers to contribute articles, features and reviews for these games. We can only include content if you guys give it to us – so please email to let us know what you can do!

Happy holidays, and I hope you enjoy this new edition of the Times!

See you in 2013.

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Isaac Burrough


Re: November-December edition of the Stonewall Times

December 08 2012
AMAZING! I love it! Thank you for all of your hard work.
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Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Re: November-December edition of the Stonewall Times

December 09 2012
Keep up the great work, Alimac! Love all the work you put into this!!
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Dave (Voleron)


Re: November-December edition of the Stonewall Times

December 09 2012
Yet another masterpiece! What an amazing publication :D

Terrific work, Ali... I enjoy reading these so much! Now begins the wait for the next one... Maybe Stonewall can employ you full time so we can get weekly releases? We'll pay you with a combination of dilithium and energy credits!

Thanks to Ali and all of the contributors! :D
Unknown Person liked this


Re: November-December edition of the Stonewall Times

December 09 2012
always looks so nice and professional! a true representation of what our fleet can accomplish.
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John Wilson


Re: November-December edition of the Stonewall Times

December 09 2012
My God, I am always impressed by our fleet members' talents, but the Times continues to raise the bar. Huge congrats to Alimac and everyone involved, a great read and a visual treat.

Oh, and now knowing that Voleron is a police officer will bring a whole new level of pleasure to watching him explode. :-P


P.S. Only request, bug us KDF types to give you more content on what's happening on the cooler side of STO! ;-)
Unknown Person liked this


Re: November-December edition of the Stonewall Times

December 09 2012
Simply amazing! I really want to get some GW2 articles added. I wish someone with some writing skills would contribute... I think I lack in writing skills, but I may have to step up eventually. Fractal experiences, new content reception, member interviews... I'll have to ask some fellow GW2 players for some help maybe :lol:

Thank you for the publication, Ali. Great work!
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Ali M


Re: November-December edition of the Stonewall Times

December 09 2012
Thanks for the great comments, everyone!

I must pass on these amazing thanks to all of the contributors to this edition of the times: Voleron, AstroRobLA, Brandon, MrIzzy, DoctorDisaster, SiranNataan, Chipz416, and backyardserenade. Thank you guys so much - we couldn't make a magazine without you!

Quote by Araa
bug us KDF types to give you more content on what's happening on the cooler side of STO!

I would love to have more KDF content, and have been trying to find people willing to contribute material. If you can help me get in touch with willing contributors, or can contribute some material yourself, I'll love you forever! :cheer:

Quote by Elquin
I really want to get some GW2 articles added. I wish someone with some writing skills would contribute... I think I lack in writing skills, but I may have to step up eventually. Fractal experiences, new content reception, member interviews... I'll have to ask some fellow GW2 players for some help maybe

Same here, Elquin. If you can help me find people willing and able to contribute material I will love you forever, too! :P

If you don't feel able to write anything yourself, there are other ways you can contribute. The biggest thing we need is ideas, and we also need a big collection of screenshots from the game that we can use to illustrate articles. I don't play the game, so providing me with content ideas and screenshots would be a tremendous help. And spreading the word to help me find writers would be awesome!

Thanks again :)

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Edited December 09 2012 by alimac30

Unknown Person

Re: November-December edition of the Stonewall Times

December 09 2012
I suspected this issue would be nothing short of amazing. I was right! :woohoo: Your talent and dedication to the Times definitely shows through in the work that you put out. Excellent job, Ali! (I especially liked the picture of Dave :P )
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Edited December 09 2012 by Unknown Person


Re: November-December edition of the Stonewall Times

December 09 2012
I loved all the articles, very cool episode. :woohoo:
Unknown Person liked this


Re: November-December edition of the Stonewall Times

December 13 2012
Hey guys,

Thanks a lot for all the work and love you put into this project! You should be very proud of this comprehensive and entertaining fleet magazine! :)

I'd also thank you (and especially Voleron) for the kind review of "Shadows of the Past". I was delighted that the mission was considered for inclusion in this edition of the Stonewall Times. And I had a blast answering all the insightful interview question.
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Steven Skeffington


Re: November-December edition of the Stonewall Times

December 13 2012
I can only echo what's already been said. The times grows more impressive with each issue. Stunning layouts, insightful content. Stellar job, guys!

Keep it up, and Thanks! B)

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