We may or may not see a signature store update before the Romulan faction launches. The backgrounds currently available can be color shifted to a more green or Romulan looking background. The default colors in each background option are easily modified, and in fact, often are for each order I fill. I think that the existing ones would easily be adapted for Romulan toons.
Although I do want to provide more border, background and text options, the resources department has a lot of other services we're working on providing the fleet and more time spent in the signature store unfortunately detracts from those other terrific projects!
It's on the list of things to update and I'll do my best to provide additional options before the add-on launches, though I can't make any promises or provide any timeline for updates quite yet.
Additionally, I'll likely be adjusting the cost of forum signatures. While a base model or basic size two signature will still be available for 250,000 EC, the time investment in a signature of Chipz, Andrew, Iccarus or MacIntosh's quality will likely see a price increase to provide the department a more worthwhile return on the time invested. This will allow fleeties with less cash to their name to still purchase something within their budget, while those who want something a little more extravagant can choose to make a more expensive purchase.
The money raised again, goes directly back to re-stocking the fleet banks weekly, something that will see soaring costs with the potential addition of Romulan centric fleets to the Stonewall fold.
I put it to you all, as you're thinking about new Romulan signatures... how much EC would you be willing to part with for a signature of the quality of the ones listed above?