Wealth Inequality in America

Wealth Inequality in America

March 05 2013
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This video was uploaded in November of 2012, but is just now going viral. Pretty informative video. I wish we could make the US more like the ideal equality.
3 people liked this

Unknown Person

Re: Wealth Inequality in America

March 05 2013
I saw this makes me gag


Re: Wealth Inequality in America

March 05 2013
Sadly this is gonna get worse.
Steven Skeffington


Re: Wealth Inequality in America

March 05 2013
I'm always amused at the lame arguments people regurgitate from the mainstream media when it comes to the simple facts of what is actually happening here. In American politics, it is never "my party's" fault.

This is not about industry vs. individuals and who gets the greater burden of taxation, or the BS about "Makers versus Moochers." The media distracts us enough while the real tyrants make off like bandits.

Fox News, for one, should put this in its "We built that" pipe and smoke the sh*& out of it. But fabricated opinions are worth more money.

I weep for my nation.

Edited March 05 2013 by Rasilek

Unknown Person

Re: Wealth Inequality in America

March 05 2013
It's not just the US, other places just have the intellectual honesty to iggnore the pretence of equality. Reminds me of John Winthrop's “A Modell of Christian Charity” 1630 God Almighty, in his most holy and wise providence, hath so disposed of the condition of mankind, as in all times some must be rich, some poor, some high and eminent in power and dignity, others mean and in subjection.

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Re: Wealth Inequality in America

March 05 2013
Our country wasn't founded on the notion of equality of results it was founded on the notion of equality of opportunity. So for income disparity to exist is not inherently evil or a flaw of our system, it's simply a reflection of human nature. However, having said that the current income disparity being suffered is a direct reflection of several competing interests, both special and mundane that have led us to the economic disaster we now face. Good intentions and all that.
Whittier Strong


Re: Wealth Inequality in America

March 05 2013
You can sigh, "Well, that's just how it is" all you want. One of the points the video makes is that most people believe that what is, is wrong. And we've been convinced to castrate ourselves and point fingers at each other, we at the bottom of those curves, and to wallow in mediocrity, so that we've completely convinced ourselves that we can't do a gd thing to change anything. And when people do try to make a change, the puppetmasters pull our strings to mock the changemakers.

Our only hope for this species is generations down the road, if we manage to get that far. This generation is lost.


Re: Wealth Inequality in America

March 05 2013
I could not agree with you more. The other problem with people deciding to make a change is that many of them have been socialized and educated to believe the exact opposite of how wealth is actually created and the working of an economy. Sadly, I just don't see enough people taking the initiative to educate themselves properly on business, wealth, and the economy to counter balance and overcome all the false information being spewed by the government, wall street, and the media.
Kidd Kasper


Re: Wealth Inequality in America

March 05 2013
I just wonder on how many revolutions throughout history have been started over less.

Re: Wealth Inequality in America

March 05 2013
Quote by Keioel
Our country wasn't founded on the notion of equality of results it was founded on the notion of equality of opportunity. So for income disparity to exist is not inherently evil or a flaw of our system, it's simply a reflection of human nature. However, having said that the current income disparity being suffered is a direct reflection of several competing interests, both special and mundane that have led us to the economic disaster we now face. Good intentions and all that.

I would disagree with that.

When you're born to a family of millionaires, to parents the went to schools like Harvard and Yale, get sent to the best schools in the US and your parents buy you your first house, you don't have equal footing to someone who's parents scrapped by and you narrowly get into a local college paying with student loans. Is it possible that you'll become rich yourself? Possibly, but highly unlikely. Income inequality breeds all kinds of inequality in our society.
Shawn Birch


Re: Wealth Inequality in America

March 05 2013
I think I need to vomit...


Re: Wealth Inequality in America

March 06 2013
The 2nd person has just as much chance of entering the 3% of income earners as the first person. Opportunity is literally knocking on everyone's door, the problem is no one recognizes it or they're afraid it's a scam. If you are not willing to risk everything and end up living in your car or on the streets then you will never be wealthy. Being wealthy by the way is far more important then being rich.

Quote by NicholasJohn16

I would disagree with that.

When you're born to a family of millionaires, to parents the went to schools like Harvard and Yale, get sent to the best schools in the US and your parents buy you your first house, you don't have equal footing to someone who's parents scrapped by and you narrowly get into a local college paying with student loans. Is it possible that you'll become rich yourself? Possibly, but highly unlikely. Income inequality breeds all kinds of inequality in our society.