March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

Ali M


March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

April 29 2013
The new edition of the Stonewall Times will be hitting your inboxes in the next few hours. If you can't wait that long, check it out here!

In this edition:

  • alimac30 stands down as Editor-in-Chief :(
  • The Stonewall Gaming Network makes plans to meet at the Star Trek Las Vegas convention in August
  • Lorenius introduces us to gay academic and pioneer John Boswell
  • Author Anthony Camber discusses gay sportsmen and his new book, which dares to imagine what would happen if a famous footballer came out
  • Jacien guides us through STO's Task Force Omega reputation system
  • Sthiss sits in the Captain's Chair
  • Voleron recaps Stonewall Fleet's 'Mystery Location' event
  • MrIzzy looks back at the Fleet's 'Spectacular Spring Swing'
  • DoctorDisaster brings us an update from the Stonewall Fleet roleplayers
  • The Fleet Foundry Mission Spotlight is shone on alimac30's 'The Mayns of Balnar Moon'
  • Seannewboy invites us to explore the Empire with Eileen Rhiagow
  • Elquin takes a peek into gaming's 8-bit past in GW2's Super Adventure Box

My ENORMOUS thanks to all the contributors to this edition!

I hope you enjoy this new edition of the Times, but sadly it will be the last one I produce as Editor-in-Chief and layout artist. With a heavy heart, I’ve chosen to stand down.

I haven’t taken this decision lightly, as I’ve truly loved working with our incredible contributors to put the Times together. But real life – unfortunately – comes first, and my job in education is demanding increasing amounts of my time due to major educational reforms here in the UK. This last year has been the busiest of my life, and it’s set to continue for a while yet. So, sadly, I must say goodbye to the Times.

I’m incredibly proud of the editions I’ve put together as Editor this last year, and on a personal level I want to say an enormous thank you to everybody who has contributed articles. I think the Times is something very special for the Stonewall Gaming Network to have, and to show to the world. I hope it will continue, perhaps in its current format or perhaps as something more interactive like a blog or a podcast.

This community is filled with incredible, talented, enthusiastic people, and I know you’ll create something amazing. If you’re reading this and would like to get involved, please get in touch with the fleet and guild leadership.

See you all around the galaxy.

11 people liked this
Edited April 29 2013 by alimac30
Isaac Burrough


Re: March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

April 29 2013

As always, it is impeccable. Your skills, and talent will be sorely missed.

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Dave (Voleron)


Re: March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

April 30 2013
Another jaw-dropping edition of the Times... truly beautifully done work, Ali. As has been said by so many people already, I'm really going to miss you being in the big seat!

I'm so thrilled that some Star Wars and Guild Wars articles were submitted for this edition!! I'm so awed by this farewell edition.. simply amazing work!

See you out among the stars, Ali!
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Unknown Person

Re: March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

April 30 2013
Thank you, Ali, for your dedication and continued service to the Times and to Stonewall. I hope that others get to experience and enjoy that epic creativity that you've brought to us through the Times and through your foundry missions. You're just an overflowing fountain of awesomeness!! Haha *hugs*

We heart you!!!! :)
2 people liked this

Re: March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

April 30 2013
Thank you so much Ali for your hard work and dedication to the Stonewall Times! It has been deeply appreciated. The issues that you've put together have been the absolute best we've ever released. The quality and care you've put in to every issues shows how much you cared for the Times and the community. Thank you!
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Ali M


Re: March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

April 30 2013
Thank you, everybody, for the incredible feedback. I truly appreciate it :)

The article 'Disunited' in this edition of the magazine, in which we talk about gay sportsmen with author Anthony Camber, was written two weeks ago. Amazingly, today - the same day we publish the magazine - a player in the NBA has come out as gay.

How's that for being topical? ;)
Unknown Person liked this


Re: March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

April 30 2013
It was only one issue, but I must say it was a pleasure working with you. You will be sorely missed and the next person will have big shoes to fill.

Good fortune to you, Ali!

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Shawn Birch


Re: March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

April 30 2013
What a great read. This is only the second edition I have read, being fairly new to Stonewall. The articles confirm the Stonewall has some very talented people. Stonewall also has many many great people that make up the different parts of the whole. I am so proud to be a member and friends with some of the LGBT community's greatest people. I am sorry to see Ali step down but life must come first and from what it sounds like he will have his hands full with the Education Refit. Good Luck Ali. I do hope we get to see you among the stars once in a while!

Jacien's article enlightened me even further and that coupled with all the wonderful guys in the fleet answering my non stop questions, holding my hand through STF's and such has turned the game around for me. to that I thank all.

Damn it SW:ToR...I will definitively have to revisit you.
2 people liked this

Unknown Person

Re: March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

April 30 2013
Thank you for all your hard work Ali, (not to mention your patience with me and deadlines ;) ) You'll be sorely missed but I do hope to see you around the Galaxy and the Vegas convention in August.
Unknown Person liked this


Re: March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

April 30 2013
As always... Amazing work, Ali! It's going to be tough not being able to read another edition of Stonewall Times. In the little time I've been with Stonewall, I've grown fond to the eager anticipation of reading a new edition of the guild magazine. Your talents are great and dedication to the guild much appreciated. I'm so very glad we got a chance to work together on the last two editions.

Your talents will take you far. I hope your career in the education field rewards you with a much deserved beautiful future.

Unknown Person liked this


Re: March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

April 30 2013
An amazing edition. I loved the pics of all the 8-bit craziness on GW. :)
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Ali M


Re: March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

May 01 2013
The following tags have no closing tag: quote
An amazing edition. I loved the pics of all the 8-bit craziness on GW. :)[/quote

You have Elquin, not me, to thank for those :)
Max Du Nord


Re: March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

May 03 2013
I find the guide through STO's Task Force Omega very helpful. Although I've started to play in STO in December 2012 I've focused on exploring the Galaxy, all missions and also on gaining the reputation within the New Romulus getting quickly to T4. I've started Task Force Omega only a couple of weeks ago and that article is an essence of the knowledge that will help to focus on my targets. Thanks!
Joshua (Zepari)


Re: March-April edition of the Stonewall Times

May 07 2013
I'm shocked! As some of you know, I just came back from a long hiatus from the online world. I was a former contributor to the Stonewall Times and a regular reader. I've always loved the fact we have a magazine and love all the former editors for pushing the boundaries and making the Stonewall Times so great and informative!

My shock is about the sheer quality of the magazine as it is today. I would pay to subscribe, even though I am a cheep Irishman. Ali, you have a great talent for this and I hope you can use this experience in your CV to produce more in the future. I would subscribe to whatever you publish! (I would even pay)

Thank you!
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