Goodbye, Hillbane

Goodbye, Hillbane

May 07 2013
It is with sadness that I bring you all the news that our member, former Stonewall Fleet Fleet Captain and Admiral of Klingon Affairs Hillbane has passed away on April 4th.

Some months ago, Hillbane unexpectedly stopped logging into the website and into Star Trek Online. This was very uncharacteristic of him and it left us wondering what had happened to him.

I'm unsure of the exact specifics of what happened. I'm still trying to contact his family or find a copy of his obituary. What I do know is that during his tenure as a Fleet Captain, he had a heart attack and had to take some time of to recuperate. This may have been a contributing factor to his passing.

Hillbane was a retired Reserve Navy Medical Service Corps: Fleet Marine Force Corpsman: Second Fleet with the rank of Lieutenant Commander (LCDR). He severed in the Persian Gulf War August 1990 to February 1991 1st Battalion 7th Marines. Operation Enduring Freedom October 2001 to December 2002, Iraq War: Battle of Baghdad, Jan 2003 to May 2004. Operation Enduring Freedom: 1st Maine Command Element. Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan July 2009 to May 2010.

His current position was Senior Field Training Officer where he monitored other Field Training Officers and their cadet.

Hillbane loved Star Trek, Star Trek Online and our Fleet. His loss will be felt by his family, friends, and our community.

Hillbane, thank you for your service to our country and our fleet.
15 people liked this
Edited May 07 2013 by nicholasjohn16

Unknown Person

Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 07 2013
Such sad news. :(

I didn't know him very well but he seemed like a good guy, always welcoming new members into our community with more regularity then pretty much anybody else. He'll certainly be missed.

Rest in peace.


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 07 2013
We should do a phaser salute next pride event.

Unknown Person

Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 08 2013
Very disheartening news :(

I first met him after a few days of me joining Stonewall. He was helping me with a problem I was having with a previous fleet and was so nice and helpful about it. Looking back, it was such a silly issue. But he took it seriously and investigated with the objectivity and swiftness that I have come to expect from any of my fellow FC's.

You did this fleet and this country very proud, Hillbane. You will be sorely missed.
Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 08 2013
Very sad news indeed... So terrible losing such a great fleetie. May he rest in peace. :( *hugs*


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 08 2013
Rest in Peace Doc, you've been called to serve in Heaven.

Unknown Person

Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 08 2013
This is such sad news. Hillbane was such a wonderful person and was always there to help other Fleeties. There's a special place of honor for him in Stovokor.


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 08 2013
Hillbane was always there to greet me with a friendly 'hello!' when I would sign into the game. I remember when he was a new member, I think it was during my first tenure as a fleet captain... and I recall his immediate desire to help people. I enjoyed the many STF's that I ran with him. The last note I ever got from him was sent in June of last year, almost a full year ago... a simple question:

Did you like fall off the face of the Earth?

I wrote back, but months too late, it would seem. I suppose that he remembered me at all makes me feel pretty good, because that was just who he was; he cared about the fleet and he cared about us. Now I know that Hillbane didn't 'fall off the face of the Earth," I know he left it with honor, and the real stars are now his playground.
3 people liked this
Shawn Birch


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 08 2013
I didn't know this man at all but reading these posts I can imagine how some of you are feeling. My thoughts are with all on this sad occasion.
Edited May 08 2013 by Parker


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 08 2013
I also did not know Hillbane.

But his reputation was that of a man who cared deeply about his country and his friends. I am deeply saddened for our loss of a great friend to our fleet, but I am confident that his great heart will carry him to his next life.

Semper Fi, Marine. Well done.


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 08 2013
How very sad. Rest in peace, Hillbane. I hope your exploration into the final frontier is beyond anything you could have dreamed.
Russell Davies


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 08 2013
Raise a glass to a fallen comrade

Your predecessor salutes you.


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 08 2013
farewell friend
Edward Lloris


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 08 2013
I am so vary speechless goodbye, Hillbane.
Adam Green


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 08 2013
I am saddened to hear this. I wish I would have had the time to get to know him. :(
Benjamin Ethier


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 08 2013
Bye Hillbane, I wished I knew you better.
Whittier Strong


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 09 2013
Wow, I'm just kind of in shock.

I am grateful to have known him, if only a little bit.
Joshua (Zepari)


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 10 2013
I'm also in shock....

Not sure what to say?

Um... Hillbane?

I got to know him quite well as he offered to be one of the original Fleet Captains for Stonewall Fleet.

He was brilliant at understanding the fleet and did all he could to make us all feel like a family.

We will all miss him!
Unknown Person liked this
Edited May 10 2013 by Zepari
Troy Johnson


Re: Goodbye, Hillbane

May 10 2013
tlhIngan maH!

I met Hillbane shortly after joining Stonewall and beginning my KDF character. He brought me into the House of Nagh reD and was always available for help. He will be greatly missed.