The Grey Company...A company of rangers gathered from the breadth of the north-lands, travelling south to answer Aragorn's call to battle. The rangers fighting in Enedwaith are known as The Grey Company. It is also the name of their reputation faction.
In following the suit of this tradition, the Kin was called the Stonewall Company.
Arkenstone was chosen as the server because we already have an established guild of friends on this server that can assist Stonewall members in gearing up and questing, along with answering questions and teaching the mechanics of this game.
A Stonewall guild was chosen, instead of joining an existing kin, because it keeps the Fleet members together, instead of taking them away from the Fleet by joining another Kin with a separate vent server.
LOTRO is a game I have played for 3 years, and in my opinion, is the best MMO on the market. Enormous content, technical battles, top notch Events, and some of the best artistry I have ever seen in a game. Turbine has bent over backwards to really give a gaming community all it could ever ask for and then some. As a free to play game, one can spend time in the game, take a break to play other things, and come back without obligation. Dungeons are broken down into 3, 6, 12, and 24 man content, so no matter how many you have online, there is always much to do. Dungeons can also be set to any level to accommodate higher levels playing with lower levels. 5 major, month long, events are thrown every year. Spring, summer, fall winter and the anniversary Events, along with weekend events such as Dwarven Treasure hunting and Hobbit Farmers Market among others. Personal and Kin housing with so many decoration items that one cannot even begin to collect or display it all, including items from boss kills and holiday events. And a built in program that allows your toon to play music. Any music by any artist in the known world. I tend to play "Another one bits the dust" when members are creamed. Also ground and Mounted combat. This is just some of what this game offers.
With Turbine announcing release of the Helms Deep battle expansion due out in November, a pre-release 2 month long event in game for the expansion, and the Fall/ Halloween event due to start in Oct in Bilbo Baggins haunted basement, I had mentioned this to a few fellow Fleeties. And a few of them showed interest in this game, prompting me to post for other Fleet member interest. And with 8 members already playing, and a few others showing interest on the forums here, a Kinwas created for easier communication and due to the fact that it takes 3 months to acquire a kin house from the date of Kin creation. This was more about a place for Fleet and their friends to be, than any big recruitment or domination of this server. Which, btw, has no other actively recruiting gay guild. Nor was it intended to be a full time game, but instead be a lay over or bounce between game. Tho the future changes and maybe someone,else,would care to make it more. Permission was really being asked for use of a vent channel and maybe one line of the forums for communication. I guess I should've made that more clear, but not knowing the admirals or captains, or the complicated way that things are done around here, it never occurred to me that this would be a problem since the Fleet had presence in STO, SWtoR, GW2, and Neverwinter already. Nor was there intent to step on toes.
So, if anyone has any questions, about anything, id suggest asking me here, in the vent, in STO, or LOTRO.
Anyone interested in playing LOTRO... make a toon and once out of the tutorial, either find us on vent, or contact us in game for an invite. All are welcome, no matter your time devotion or availability. Barring the dungeons,skirmishesand a few subset elite areas, the entire game can be soloed from level 1-85 for members who prefer to go it alone. However for dungeon and elite content, Ventrilo will be required.
The Stonewall Company, Arkenstone
Galazeal - Dax
Fragnakdru - Myst
Baothezar - Meta
Ronuku - Eurrsk
Laetharis - Laethan
Gilfalos - Parker
Seandas - Sean
Argendeth - Lucas
Bashareth - Heaf