Stonewall Times...Jan-Feb issue



Stonewall Times...Jan-Feb issue

February 02 2014

Where did January go?!? I know everyone is busy collecting Qmendations and some of you already HAVE a Dyson Science ship (WTG!) but if you do get bored of logical Tuvokisms, feel free to drop me some articles, posts and even pictures...for the next edition of the Stonewall Times :)

I'm hoping that someone will cover the new Dyson science destroyers or even a review of Season 8.5 and its changes. Show us your creative juices!

Write long and proper!

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Re: Stonewall Times...Jan-Feb issue

February 02 2014
My Take on The Solanae Dyson Science Destroyer:

Photos and my Review to follow shortly

Now I've had the Dyson Science Destroyer for about 24 hours now and I have to firstly say a big well done to Cryptic for such a breath of fresh air in ship design yet still retaining the Federation feel.

1: Design

Aesthetically the Ship look gorgeous with it's sleek design


Thanks to reverse engineering, and hard work from Star fleets best Engineers we have this amazing looking vessel.

2: Functionality

Base Turn is roughly 12 Degrees which makes the Dyson very fast especially handy during combat ( I've done some extensive combat testing on the Borg Dailies)

And have to say the Ship is very capable when you need to evade a heavy Torpedo or Several Cubes firing at you.

Secondary Deflector: This is I have to say absolutely brilliant and really does make a difference when in the heat of battle and gives some valuable seconds to recharge your shields.

Tactical mode :woohoo: :woohoo: : What can I say the humble science vessel becomes a flying Cannon fest " Literally" You essentially have 4 Forward Weapon slots and 3 Aft

Here's some more specs:

Federation Variant – Solanae Class

Faction: Federation
Required Rank: Rear Admiral
Availability: 2014 Anniversary Event Reputation Project
Hull Strength: 28,500
Shield Modifier: 1.3
Crew: 400
Weapons: 3 Fore, 3 Aft (+Solanae Dual Heavy Proton Cannons in Tactical Mode)
Device Slots: 3
Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Ensign Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Engineering, 1 Lieutenant Science, 1 Commander Science
Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 2 Engineering, 4 Science
Base Turn Rate: 12 degrees per second
Impulse Modifier: 0.16
Inertia: 50
+15 Auxiliary Subsystems
Can Equip Dual Cannons
Subsystem Targeting
Sensor Analysis
Secondary Deflector Slot
Solanae Secondary Deflector
Solanae Overcharged Warp Core

The cannons " only activated in Tactical mode ( has a great animation too where the Necells move forward and the Saucer section opens)

This also gives more options at your disposal effectively giving you 4 Fore weapons at your disposal as well as " Tactical " only options.

NOW TACTICAL MODE: Say goodbye to the humble science Vessel and say hello to the Shark " I call it a shark because the fire-power can be brutal.

" You your biological and technical essence will become part of our own"

I also have to say just because it is a " Science" Vessel doesn't necessarily rule out engineer or tactical classes as I think the ship is versatile enough for whoever is at the helm.

It also depends on your play style in my opinion whether your all guns a blazing or the silent type who likes to hit and run.

If you want more info on what I have found out so far or my own take feel free to message me here or in game


See you in game
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Re: Stonewall Times...Jan-Feb issue

February 06 2014
thanks so much for this :D
Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Re: Stonewall Times...Jan-Feb issue

February 23 2014
The following tags can not be placed within a specific tag: center in b, center in b
Just some random pictures I felt like sharing that you could maybe use ^^

Valentines Dance Party


Fleet Dilithium Mine Crystal Caves

Fleet Dilitihum Mine Crystal Cave EV Suit Dance Party
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Re: Stonewall Times...Jan-Feb issue

February 23 2014
Quote by Eurrsk
Just some random pictures I felt like sharing that you could maybe use ^^

ooh thanks for those! i didn't even know we had crystal caves :woohoo:


Re: Stonewall Times...Jan-Feb issue

March 03 2014
Excellent edition by the way. :woohoo:
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Re: Stonewall Times...Jan-Feb issue

March 03 2014
Big snuggly thanks to all who've contributed to this edition :)

Link to the issue on the site is here

For those who prefer the "2-page" spread style, click here

And please note that "FC" @bullocaj meant Fit Cutie and not "fleet captain" as Andrew is of course an Admiral 8) :cheer:

As always your feedback is invited and contributions are now OPEN for the XXX edition ;)

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Michael Minks-Bungard


Re: Stonewall Times...Jan-Feb issue

March 03 2014
Thank you for posting my Story into the Stonewall Times.

I am both excited and has brought a tear to my eye to see it in the SWT (Stonewall Times).

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Unknown Person

Re: Stonewall Times...Jan-Feb issue

March 03 2014
Thanks Cal, for putting together another wonderful Times release! And to those who contributed! I especially liked Nick's entry/reviews regarding some TV shows and the review of Banished! It's been in my Steam wish list ever since I discovered it! *hint hint wink wink!* Also, Voleron's article - loved it! Very well written and insightful/informative :)

Looking forward to what you will bring to us in the next edition,

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Dave (Voleron)


Re: Stonewall Times...Jan-Feb issue

March 03 2014
Another great edition, Cal! It's looking even better with each new release! I kind of like the two-page style formatting that you've switched to; gives it a nice, magazine style look!

Thanks for your hard work on this... looks great!
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