Intrepid Class Aeroshuttle

Robert Jenkins


Intrepid Class Aeroshuttle

August 29 2014
i thought this was pretty cool... the aeroshuttle is based on the Danube class runabout and has the same interior layout as the danube (so it is said)

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Volkrov (Eurrsk) Ruk


Intrepid Class Aeroshuttle

August 29 2014
Oh nice! That is pretty cool! Would've been neat to see that in the show B)
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Robert Jenkins


Intrepid Class Aeroshuttle

August 29 2014
yes it would have.... but being based on the danube runabout, i guess janeway decided that the aeroshuttle would not be tough enough for the delta quadrant.


Intrepid Class Aeroshuttle

August 29 2014
The reason it wasn't used was because at the time Voyager's plot called for a runabout type of ship was close to the time that the movie was going to "debut" the captain's yacht and the film's producers did not want Voyager to use the Aeroshuttle first because they felt it would steal the thunder from the movie's super ultra mega dramatic captain's yacht launch...

So instead they got CBS to intervene and the Voyager producers and writers were forced to write in that goofy looking Delta Flyer that deployed from Voyager's shuttle bay (which seemed to be large enough to accommodate ships far larger than the size of Voyager would suggest).

That, to me, was the only big flaw in the series that stuck in my craw.
Joseph Baker


Intrepid Class Aeroshuttle

September 02 2014
I had a papercraft one a while ago, but it didn't survive a move about 10 years ago. It's quite an easy design to build up, as it's pretty boxy.
Jeffrey Siggard


Re:Intrepid Class Aeroshuttle

September 02 2014
I would have rather seen the Enterpise-D captains yacht than the one in Insurrection.

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