



September 20 2014
Yeah, the queue has been pretty ridiculous the last few days. There will be more servers added soon but I totally understand :(. I'll leave an update as to when queues become less congested for those still interested. Otherwise, ill see you guys on other games. (I can't forget about my GW2!)
Unknown Person liked this



September 25 2014
They've added several new servers and kept people from creating new characters on the original servers for several days to even out the populations.

I tried to get in the first couple days as a f2p player, but only waited in the queue for 4-6 hours before going to bed. Then they opened two new servers and I got on the Ezi server as Elowa. I've been enjoying it a lot, although I love to explore, gather, farm, and craft. The graphics are pretty good, too.

They've done quite a few changes the last week to try to lower the queue wait times. (aggressively booting AFKers/spammers, adding more servers, etc.) If you were having huge wait times before, it should be much better now.

Some positives in my opinion:
  • Amazing character customization for faces. There are hundreds of sliders you can change.
  • Sandbox. It has quests and an main story quest, but you can literally just run around and do whatever.
  • Crafted items are best items.
  • No real loot other than coins and rare crafting materials. Some quests will give gear as you go through them.
  • Flexibility in class. Like Dorian mentioned, there are 120 options for classes (you pick 3 out of 10) and have points to spend on the skills to make unique builds. Can also change them around when you want.
  • Gliders that you can fly/float on.
  • Custom player-owned housing.
  • Lots of outfits, which a mechanism to modify clothing/armor to look like other pieces.

The downsides (again my opinion):
  • Can't customize body features (everyone of each race is same build and height). It amazes me that this is not changeable with how customizable the faces are.
  • Strong focus on PvP (I'm not an MMO PvP fan) with conflict areas, encouraged scamming (within game mechanics), and an overall "pirate" environment.
  • The above environment seems to have attracted players that love to grief or otherwise abuse other players. For example, people are constantly destroying other people's publicly planted crops before they mature (so no resources are given), just to keep someone else from getting the resources. These people are even using their labor points to do this.
  • Their pay/store mechanism could be considered "pay to win" on some level. Land (housing and private farms) can only be owned by paying customers. Monthly subscribers get labor points when offline and twice as many while logged in as f2p. (LP are used for all crafting/farming/harvesting.) Some items are only sold on the marketplace (no way to get it in game other than buy from someone who paid real money for it).
Unknown Person liked this



September 25 2014
That's actually a very good assessment of the game itself. I will add that there is the possibility of paying for a patron status (their subscription) through accumulating enough in game gold and purchasing 'apex.' So if you play and trade enough, it's possible to not have to pay for anything in the game. That being said, if you f2p, it does take some time to get started unless you join a good guild or have some friends in the game who can help you out. But, I do know a few people who have already gotten enough apex to cover a month or two of patron status.



September 25 2014
Quote by GothicPoodle

  • Strong focus on PvP (I'm not an MMO PvP fan) with conflict areas, encouraged scamming (within game mechanics), and an overall "pirate" environment.
  • The above environment seems to have attracted players that love to grief or otherwise abuse other players. For example, people are constantly destroying other people's publicly planted crops before they mature (so no resources are given), just to keep someone else from getting the resources. These people are even using their labor points to do this.

This pretty much kills any interest I had in it.
Edited September 25 2014 by Angelsilhouette
Chris Mello



September 27 2014
Things were not so bad tonight but my god the zone chat. It makes me sad. I did enjoy my Nuian a bit more than my Harani.
Chris Mello



September 28 2014
Oh for those on Inoch, my two characters are Ryuunosuke (Harani) and Gwrtheyrn (Nuian).
Chris Mello



September 28 2014
And as an aside, the donkeys in the game are kind of adorable.



September 28 2014
I will say agree that the chat is really ridiculous. My block list is quite long. And yes, the donkeys are pretty amazing.



October 05 2014
Installed this today and it seems fun.

Unknown Person


October 05 2014
The queues seem to be a bit better, for me anyway. Yay! Enjoying my time on ArcheAge so far B)



October 06 2014
Hey all, what are in game names and factions so I can say hi



October 06 2014
I'm on an EU server called orchinid or something like that :p
Character name is obviously milmar. I made one of the cat people the firran right?

I wanted to make an elf but my friends who were already playing had picked a faction.



October 06 2014
Ah you're on another server. Well I hope you're having fun. ;) I main a harani but made a firran alt just cuz. A friend of mine and I are gonna roll elf this week to check how life is in the other faction.

If anyone's on inoch and needs pelts, honey, or flowers hit me up. Lol
Edited October 06 2014 by MisterRnR



October 08 2014
Rolled on Inoch, trying to enjoy the game through horrible lag. Awful steep learning curve :o



October 08 2014
Yeah it gets a little laggy for me around crowded cities. If you turn down the graphics in the options menu it can help. It defaults to the highest setting. It also sometimes help for people to wear a default character costume (under options and functionality). If you need help with anything, I can try to answer the best I can. I'm a lil further into the game so if you are trying it out as a F2P I will open an 8x8 farm that we can share so that you can get on your feet in terms of getting gold and selling.
Unknown Person liked this
Edited October 08 2014 by MisterRnR



October 18 2014
I probably should have clarified - the lag was definitely not ArcheAge's fault; rather I live in rural 'murrika so I have a piss poor internet connection sometimes :P



October 27 2014
If anyone's still around and playing, I'm leveling an alt DamienXIII say hi or kill me or trade with me. Whatever suits your fancy.
Unknown Person liked this



November 03 2014
aaaaand 50, phew. If anyone wants company/heals while farming Hasla (West), the name's Occlo :)
Unknown Person liked this



November 06 2014
Anyone grab land up in Auroria? O.O



February 04 2015
Quote by GWBlade
Anyone grab land up in Auroria? O.O

I hear it's easy to find now, although about to get more competitive soon ;x