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The Suggestion Box: Oct 20th - Dec 20th

Unknown Person

The Suggestion Box: Oct 20th - Dec 20th

October 20 2014
It's been over six years since NicholasJohn first dreamed of Stonewall Fleet and in that time we have come a long way.

We are now a multi-game gaming Network with hundreds of active members.

I'd like to thank each and every one of you, past and present, for choosing to call Stonewall your home. It means the world to us that anybody can come to a friendly safe place and enjoy some gaming with friends without the fear of harassment for simply being who they are.

But it's about time we asked for some feedback. We are not perfect and we have made mistakes. So I have created a forum called The Suggestion Box which you should see just below the public section of the forums.

I'd like to ask each and every one of you to start posting suggestions on how we can improve and what you'd like to see Stonewall become in the future.

Some topics you might want to talk about:
  • The Website and any improvements or new features we can add,
  • Changes to how we operate as a leadership team,
  • How we handle expansion guilds,
  • Guilds you'd like to see in future games,
  • How we handle membership issues (discipline),
  • Stonewalls Code of Conduct*,
  • ..Or anything else you can think of.

I only ask that when making your post you do not speak directly about a member of the leadership team or any other member of the community. If you are having a problem with someone else please report it as you would normally do so.

If you wish to discuss how the leadership team operates and ways we can improve then please do so generally as to not target individuals.

*You can discuss ways in which the Code of Conduct may change or how we can improve the way we handle Code of Conduct issues but please note that our PG-13 policy is a fundamental part of who we are and, even though we are open to suggestions on how to improve, it won't be going anywhere.

We have decided on a two-month period to give everyone chance to have their say.

If you decide to give feedback just head down to the Suggestion Box and start up a thread. Thank you.


I'm locking this thread in case people accidentally post suggestions here and they get lost. If you wish to reply directly about this announcement then please do so in the suggestion box section.
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