Guild Halls and Pre-Purchase - Discuss
So... I'm literally at a loss for words. I am simply amazed at the guild hall. I probably won't be able to sleep tonight. What does everyone think? Also, based on the pre-purchase video I'll include below, which edition will you be purchasing? As noted, we should keep track of those who purchase the "Ultimate Edition" so we can coordinate which "Mordremoth's Bane Guild Hall Decoration" we choose. There will be 3 individual decorations and you can have multiples. If anyone goes ultimate, it would be nice to have 1 of each decoration. I'm broke at the moment and will probably not be pre-purchasing and hoping another "Upgrade" version of HoT will be available for a discount. We'll see...
Pre-Purchase Details - (each edition includes the core GW2 game)
Guild Hall Announcement
Pre-Purchase Details - (each edition includes the core GW2 game)
Guild Hall Announcement