Destiny: The Taken King

Destiny: The Taken King

August 17 2015
I know this is a heavily debated game, but with the new release coming out I thought I'd start a forum post about it! I'll be playing on the PS4 version so I'd love others to join! Plus we can all complain about connectivity issues and everything else!
Edited August 17 2015 by Rayne


Destiny: The Taken King

August 17 2015
Im sure there are people around who play it


Destiny: The Taken King

August 18 2015
I might pick it up again, was kinda discouraged a few weeks ago when a group of people harassed me for being a casual player lol

Destiny: The Taken King

August 18 2015
Thats the great thing about the new game!! It's totally geared so that casual players will do just as well as the hardcore ones. I'm personally more of a casual player just because I wont have the time to invest in it hardcore.

The new stuff looks sooooo promising
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Destiny: The Taken King

August 18 2015
Well that works for me then! I'm a crucible player and I pwn with fusion rifles lol I only have one legendary weapon and an awesome Trojan helmet that's exotic.

Is the other expansions worth getting?

Destiny: The Taken King

August 19 2015
I haven't played the other two expansions. I ordered the new PS4 bundle that comes with everything, so I'm just waiting to start completely fresh on a new system. I have it for 360 right now and I've just casually done some patrols and stuff. I only have one legendary pulse rifle, Payback SOS, and I love it. I'll hate to give it up.

I REALLY want the Trials of Osiris warlock gear though. It looks SOOO sexy