I love accolades! I got a bunch on Yilos a while back and... let me see... I got 18,015 accolade points! I'll join you guys to see if I can get to 20,000 - I pretty much stopped doing these a year ago because only the really hard ones are left.
You can't do some of these accolades alone, so setting up a fleet group is a great idea. You can get the career accolades from episode content for other careers if you're on a team with someone from that career. I have a fed toon of each career so if you're doing episode runs I can bring along whatever is needed for a team. There are also accolades from various PVE and PVP queues that don't pop anymore, so we do have to get fleet groups together for those.
The big category that Yilos still doesn't have are the pvp accolades, which require you to do the daily pvp missions a certain number of times (I think it's 3 times per daily, then each daily 70 times, so you have to do various missions 210 times). But I know that there are ways to do it really fast with a pre-made team and I'll look it up. They also have good dil rewards.
I also don't have the starbase incursion ones because those are really hard to get with a pug team. I don't know if we're up for it (you have to kill the boss really, really fast), but it's a grind since you have to get all the named bosses, and there are a bunch, and each one appears randomly so you have to do that mission well a bit over 100 times to have a 50% shot at getting all the accos (if it's anything like FFA, which I calculated way back in the day because those ones are easier).
I'll try to be around but I can't make any promises. I love accolade hunting!