EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!
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----------------------------------EVENT: 4th Annual Spectacular Spring Swing!

In just a couple of weeks we'll be having our 4th annual Spring Swing event. Join us May 28th & 29th for fun fashion shows, Trivia, PVE queus and more! There'll be plenty of chances to win those Stonewall credits we've been talking about as well!! Be sure to RSVP for the event here!

Here's the schedule for this coming weekend's events:
All times are listed in PST
Saturday, April 28th
Opening Ceremonies - Defera 11:00 AM
Livestream: Tactical Ships: The Spring of DPS - 1:00 PM (Twitch)
PvE Runs - 4:00 PM
Spring Fashion Competition - Bajor 6:00 PM
Sunday, April 26th
Grand Melee Tournament 11:00 AM
Lost Admiral Event - Drozana Station 1:00 PM
Trek Trivia/Pub Quiz (Teamspeak accessibility required.) 3:00 PM (Teamspeak)
Spring Swing Dance Party - Defera 5:00 PM