Now that's a good news

Lars Zandor


Now that's a good news

June 28 2016
I always feel like the current Pope is a good guy, who is forced to occasionally be an asshole because of Church politics. When he was just named Pope he was very nice towards LGBT people too, but shortly after that he made an 180 :(
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Now that's a good news

July 01 2016
He is supportive by the standards of the Catholic church. I wouldn't call him an ally... He is a welcome change though and it is nice to have a religious figurehead who cares about the harm and joy brought to people outside of strict doctrine. Esp considering most Christian doctrine on sex does not stem from God nor Jesus but from a mis-reading of people who mis-heard. Does not Paul condemn men and women acting against their natures and references the animal kingdom in this. This logic combined with modern understanding of sexuality in nature is actually a pro-LGBT message. Not that anyone cares. As my barber says, Haters Gonna Hate.
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Kiera Skylar


Now that's a good news

July 05 2016

I feel like this is a valid reply to these headlines... third time I've seen them pop up, and then things just, fall apart again as the media goes away.
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