Happy PRIDE everyone! Our celebrations this year were spectaculous, amazing, stunning, glitterish, fun and happiness loaded joy! We had over 50 fleeties and guests attending our parties and events in those two days, with lots of prizes and goodies to win and giveaway. Here are the results and reports of our glorious and honorable activities (just to make the Klingons happy too). Please feel fre...
Davyyyyd #Pride20
Added to my earlier purchase of 50 tickets.
Thank you.
Milo@josephr25 #Pride20 . thank you all for this
Ticket AH420... I already feel like a winner!!..
Thank you all for your hard work =)
Ticket AH420... I already feel like a winner!!..
Thank you all for your hard work =)
Another HOOOOOGE Lick & Thank You to @obsidianson (Col_Klink) for your #Pride20 ticket donation!!
@doblinian #Pride20
Another HOOOOOGE Lick & Thank You to @obsidianson (Col_Klink) for your #Pride20 ticket donation!!
@doblinian #Pride20
@Simon_Picard is my handle. #Pride20
I know I'm in a totally different time zone being on the other side of the galaxy but even out here, I feel the love of this fleet
@angelikale7#1836 #Pride20 Thanks everyone for your generosity!
@Dantesboi is my handle #Pride20 Love this Fleet!
@alexjaymorgan #Pride20
Some amazing donations! Thank you to everyone who's contributed and for the amazing community!
Thanks! xploderboy #Pride20
Wow! That's super generous of everyone who donated. Thank you
Happy Pride!
Fiontar #Pride20
jestbess#5421 is my in-game handle. #Pride20
Thanks for the tickets and have a great Pride!
@Bren is my in-game handle. #Pride20
A huge thank you to @obsidianson for the raffle tickets for everyone and to all the donors. A massive thank you also to those officers in the fleet that work tirelessly to make Pride happen every year! x
So generous of you Col_Klink! Thank you!
@DocTheop is my in-game handle. Happy #Pride20 Fleeties!
Thanks for the free tickets @obsidianson :D
My in game handle is @Barnsiepoo . #Pride20
adejai #pride20
Thank You so much to @obsidianson ! Your incredible contributions to the raffle help bring rainbows of pride to everyone !!! :)