
Stonewall 76

Stonewall 76's Notes

Jamie O'Connell


June 14 2018
Welcome minions, err members, to Vault 76! One day soon we shall see the light once more!
  • Last Comment by medgirl1025
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Jamie O'Connell
(Raises hand) I volunteer, with reserve, for the overseer position. Now, if you look closely at the business plan I have modeled you will see that it closely outlines the Futurama episode where bender becomes pharaoh.

Our motto: "Let a new wave of cruelty wash over this land. "~ Bender

I promise that I will not discriminate. All persons shall equally receive cruelty!

Vote Med for Stonewall 76 Overseer!

"Remember Me!"

(Stands by for applause)

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in the last few games.. wer'nt all the overseers evil.. and got killed? lol ...

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Lars Zandor
Sounds like the right position for Med then :P
Well, regarding the evil part. We don't want you to get killed

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Jamie O'Connell
In Response:

GXV3- (pauses a moment, shifting her head about before looking up) "Maaaaybe.... and maaaaybe." 😅

Lars- I can tell you are plotting already. B-but think of the experiments we can run. How about it chief administrator. Dont worry about the details. The paperwork is already underway. All I need you to do is say yes. ;)

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