
The Stonewall Gaming Network leadership is made up of dedicated Officers that oversee the operation of the network as a whole and Officers for each guild.

Learn more about the Officers of Stonewall Fleet on their department page.

Public Relations

The Public Relations Officer is in charge of managing our social media pages, promoting guild events and recruiting new members into the community.

Public Relations

I'm a gamer and trekker from Edmonton, Canada! I'm currently Stonewall Gaming Network's public relations officer. Follow us on Facebook at StonewallGamingNet and on Twitter, at StonewallGN

Community Manager

The Community Manager is in charge of managing the community, assisting in the running of the guilds and maintaining community assets.

Community Manager

Heya, I'm Nick, just a laid back guy from Chicago, stuck living in Kentucky. I like to spend my free time playing video games, building websites and heading to the gym when I can. If you wanna chat, hit me up!

I'm also the Fleet Admiral and Founder of Stonewall Fleet so if you have any questions or need any help, feel free to send me a message.

Membership Management

Membership Management handles processing new applicants, welcoming them into the community and maintaining membership rosters. As well, they investigate complaints against our Code of Conduct, deescalating conflict and notifying members of corrective actions.

Membership Management


I am the Membership Manager for the Stonewall Gaming Network (SGN) and I am responsible for managing the SGN Membership Management Department. I have a team of volunteers that are assigned to the department to carry out daily duties; we welcome new members, moderate members that violate the rules, deescalate conflict, ensure that member records are updated, and I send out membership termination notices to me... Read More

I am the Membership Manager for the Stonewall Gaming Network (SGN) and I am responsible for managing the SGN Membership Management Department. I have a team of volunteers that are assigned to the department to carry out daily duties; we welcome new members, moderate members that violate the rules, deescalate conflict, ensure that member records are updated, and I send out membership termination notices to members that violate the rules. I also advise the Community Manager on overall compliance related matters.

I have been a member of the SGN since November 17, 2009 and the SGN’s Membership Manager since June 2016. I am proud of providing my time and efforts to the SGN because it is a unique not-for-profit volunteer social club that provides an all-inclusive online social environment for LGBTQ+ gamers across the world. The SGN features an assortment of computer and console games such as Star Trek Online, Star Wars, Guild Wars II, and other enjoyable games. What I love the most about the SGN is its ongoing mission to serve as an online social space where members can share their ideas, chat, and discuss game or non-game experiences in a safe and welcoming environment.

I tend to spend most of my time on Star Trek Online however I do enjoy Diablo III on PlayStation and Final Fantasy. I love video games because they are the ultimate form of expression that deliver an interactive story, music, visual effects, and other creative elements. I am a major enthusiast of music, especially Baroque, Classical, and video game/movie scores.

I terms of media, I have been a long time fan and student of Star Trek. Star Trek is an exceptional science fiction television show that embraces diversity and collaboration between people with diverse backgrounds. The show provides exceptional writing that really compels an audience to confront moral and ethical dilemmas while asking societal and existential questions that delve into the nature of conflict, the meaning of humanity, and the exploration of life. I have found Star Trek to be a phenomenal show that is extremely rewarding to watch because it compels people to think and appreciate what they have and those around them. Watching Star Trek: The Next Generation as an adult gave me a more thorough appreciation for it's wonderful storytelling and it's ability to compel an audience to tackle ethical dilemmas. The writing in the show was and still is absolutely compelling -it hits the audience with a moral and ethical punch dealing with gray area issues that sometimes cannot be resolved easily with black and white solutions.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at any time.


Zander Hawk
SGN Membership Manager
STO PC Stonewall Fleet - Admiral & Chief of Membership Management
STO Stonewall PS & XBOX Fleet Administrator
Star Citizen Stonewall Fleet - Fleet Administrator
Diablo IV Order of Stonewall - Clan Leader

Department of Membership Management
SGN Username: Zander_Hawk@Zander_Hawk
Kik: Zander.Hawk
Discord: zander_hawk
SGN website:
STO PC: Zander Hawk@Zander_Hawk
Blizzard ID/BattleTag: ZanderHawk#1332
STO PlayStation PSN Online ID: Zander Hawk@Zander_Hawk
STO XBOX Gamertag: Zander Hawk@Zander Hawk
Star Citizen/RSI Handle: Zander_Hawk
Star Citizen/RSI website: Read Less

Fleet Resources

Fleet Resources is responsible for managing and maintaining Fleet assets and holdings. They also monitor fleet assets for inappropriate usage and inform members.

Fleet Morale

Hey, SGN! My name's Eddie. I'm your Romulan-obssesed Chief of Fleet Morale for Stonewall Fleet. I live in New Mexico with my three dogs; Tilly, Bea, and Maya. I first joined Stonewall Fleet way back in 2010 and joined the leadership in 2014. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Fleet Morale

Fleet Morale hosts social events, get togethers and parties to provide a welcome and enjoyable social enviroment for membership.