
Writers Of The Stonewall Times

Writers of The Stonewall Times's Topics



November 27 2014

Issue 34

34 will be a Dec mini edition. thoughts so far:

- aikune's PvP questionaire

- winter wonderland/xmas-themed stuff

- a review of the year with the fleet, with a foreword from Nick?

- if scott can get internet access, some piccies and his artwork :)

  • Last Comment by calx
Parker and the morale department have a Winter Whirl event planned for early January. Might be nice to get details and a schedule from him to advertise. I might also have a little something for you. What's the deadline for submissions for your mini-issue?

cool that'd be a good idea indeed. currently pretty flexible, aiming for 3rd week of Dec or maybe even xmas week since i'm not going anywhere but Q's WW lol

any interest in doing a "ships of the (stone)wall" calendar?? :) hunky guys welcome too of course! lol

following ozy's post on forums, i was thinking about a get to your know FCs/ADMs or even departmental features. i will probably use what's on the welcome centre page but if you FCs/Adms want to do a piece, that's very much welcome!

I think that Izzy used to do the "Captain's Chair", which was a one-pager with a 'get-to-know' your Fleet Captains segment. Are you talking about something similar to that?

Yes he did, I enjoyed those pieces, and would like to see those again, especially with the new FCs now.

What I was thinking of, for the benefit of new members was a feature on a department and the work it does throughout the year. Any traction?

Absolutely! Sounds great! The Admiral Offices section of the forums is probably a good place to get some information along those lines:

I keep my page updated regularly, and it lists everything we've done throughout the year. If there's any graphics or media that you're looking for from anything I have, just let me know and I'll be sure to pass it along! The other departments may have some stuff in there too

hope everyone had a good break over the holidays!

here's the draft of 34 that I've just sent to Nick for his review: (single) (dual)

once he's ok'd it, I'll push to the forum again!

Looks amazing, Cal! Some of my favourite parts are the calendars and the PvP interview, the department break-down and the Orion coverage. Great work, as always and I can't wait for the community to get their hands on it!

Sorry for the delay, haven't heard from Nick alas, will give him a lil nudge on this one!