Unfortunately not, many countries still have death penalties for homosexuals. For those that only give prison sentences, those prison sentences are death penalties of them selves, either from the inhospitable living conditions or the gang violence that usually targets homosexual prisoners. In countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, that are currently occupied largely by US forces, homosexuals are being killed at an alarming rate by their families and factions of the militia. An organization called, Iragi LGBT,
http://iraqilgbt.org.uk, operates out of the UK and runs a railroad for targeted people, helping them leave the country and receive asylum in other countries. In the last three years, 700 glbt people have been murder in Iraq alone. Several times, their railroads have been compromised and the English and Americans that operate them have been killed as well.
The GLBT community must remember that the fight for equality does not end at our countries borders. We must help those who can not help themselves.
As you can see, this is something I'm very passionate about.